3 Reasons Why Bard AI Is Better Than ChatGPT

I used Bard and found it Surpassed ChatGPT

Dante R.A.


Photo by Andrew Neel: https://www.pexels.com/photo/monitor-screen-with-openai-logo-on-black-background-15863044/

The battle for AI has started. Many companies have started unleashing their AI tech onto the world. And so far ChatGPT is on top. But does it really deserve that title? Are there better alternatives to ChatGPT that function and work better? I think after using Google’s Bard AI that it is way better than ChatGPT for many reasons. Here are the top 3 reasons why Bard is better than ChatGPT.

1. Bard is less censored than ChatGPT.

Bard is more likely to generate text that ChatGPT refuses to write. For example, usually, if you ask ChatGPT to write something super simple and uncontroversial as “Please write me a silly poem about Donald Trump,” it will refuse to do so as Trump is a controversial figure. If you want it to do such things you gotta convince it to do it by Jailbreaking it or using a DAN Prompt. But it will make a poem about Joe Biden in two seconds.

However, Bard doesn’t bother itself with silly constraints. It will refuse to write…



Dante R.A.

Some say culture is downstream from politics. Well, I'm going to write about both. From World Politics to video games and other nerd culture, all are here.