3 Reasons Why Hip-Hop Hurts Black People

Ashley Evon Moore
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2022

Rap Music Is Murder Music

Photo by Ben Wiens on Unsplash

Hip-hop has become the catalyst for criminality in our culture. It is the only genre of music that glorifies death and destruction. It is the only genre of music that promotes misogyny and promiscuity. It is the only genre of music that celebrates gun violence and the genocide of black people.

Police brutality is the least of our problems when we are influenced by the music that makes us commit crimes. Police brutality is the least of our problems when we are influenced by the music that moves us to kill. Police brutality is the least of our problems when we are influenced by the music that moves us into handcuffs. Rap music went from being a genre that promoted social justice and consciousness to be a genre that promoted being a criminal.

Rap music has become the new crack cocaine and young black men across the nation are in recording studios slinging verses in hopes of becoming a kingpin. Rap has lost its art form and has become a get-rich-quick-scheme for young black men who live in poverty. These young men see their favorite rappers blow up overnight and are mesmerized by the stacks of cash these rappers post on social media.

They are mesmerized by designer clothing and luxury vehicles. They are hypnotized by demonic lyrics and are influenced to carry out the crimes that their favorite rappers rhyme about. Very rarely do we hear a rap song that promotes blacks uniting. Very rarely do we hear a rap song that promotes marriage and parenthood. Very rarely do we hear a rap song that promotes positivity.

Here are 3 reasons why hip-hop hurts black people:


Rap music has taught black men to get hoes, not wives. Rap music has taught black men to create new lives with multiple women, not settle down. Rap music has taught black men to be pimps, not gentlemen. All you hear in rap lyrics is promiscuity and unprotected sex. All you hear in rap lyrics is sexism. Hip-hop artists refer to women as “bitches” and “hoes.” Black men no longer know how to court a woman or approach a woman. Black women no longer know how to carry themselves like a lady. Rap music has been successful in painting women as objects to be used. This only contributes to more single-mother households and a divide between the genders.


Rappers willingly commit treason when they write songs about killing other black men. Those who are influenced to kill by these lyrics commit treason when they pull the trigger. It is treason for us to make music that promotes the genocide of our own race. It is treason for us to fight, bully, and murder each other. This is the true definition of selling out. All you hear in today’s rap music is division and opposition. Murder has become the key ingredient to achieving a successful rap career.

Drug use and drug dealing have become essential parts of maintaining a rap career. Positivity does not sell. Love does not sell. Hope does not sell. Spirituality does not sell. The only topics that sell are death and destruction. Many youngsters are forming street gangs because of what they hear from their favorite rappers.


The recreational use of Percocet became popular with rap artists like Future. This drug is intended for severe pain relief, but rap music tells the youth that this drug can get them high. The recreational use of cough syrup containing promethazine became popular with several different rap artists. This drug is intended for severe colds and coughs, but rap music tells the youth that this drug can get them high.

Rap music promotes the recreational use of cannabis, painkillers, cough syrup, and opiates. Many of these people who find themselves influenced by these rap songs do not think of themselves as addicts. Some of them know they are addicted but believe their addiction to be “cool” because their favorite rapper made it trendy. Many rap artists call themselves “rich junkies” and those who listen to them adopt this mindset along with the lifestyle.

Thank you for reading!



Ashley Evon Moore

Transman/He/His/Him…Army Veteran…Self-Proclaimed Nerd…Lover & Follower of Jesus Christ. I write on Black Lives Matter.