3 Reasons Tony Robbins’s Motivational Speaking Doesn’t Really Work

Neurolinguistic Programming is a Hoax and It’s About Time Someone Said It.

Ahmed Sherief



Anyone who studies Psychology or has an interest in the subject will tell you that there is no one way to motivate people.

People are so different and diverse. Their minds work in different ways. Their childhood experiences and traumas make them unique and special beings.

So, standing in front of thousands of people and telling ALL of them that doing what you say is going to change their lives for the better is a bold claim that is not supported by science.

It’s true that some people can benefit from Tony shouting and them. Some others find the rush of his famous fire-walk intoxicating.

But many other people will feel left out as they find all those techniques useless or even intimidating.

1. Not Everyone Can Take Sensory Overload

And that’s what Tony is doing. Overloading people’s sensory system with adrenaline, utilizing his massive body, his thundering voice, his speed-talking and his movement on the stage.

He fills up the whole place and there is no escaping his hypnotic existence.



Ahmed Sherief

I am a Student of Psychology. I write to help people understand themselves, realize their potential, and live happier, stress-free lives.