3 Reasons Why You Don’t Have to Live Passionately

Similar to money, the purpose of life is only an illusion

Aurellia T. Elisha


The moment you start to speak and understand the meaning of words, everyone you know will ask about what you want to be or what your purpose in life is at least once.

If you’re anything like me, then that means you don’t know the answer to the said question, and people look at you weirdly when you tell them that. Especially those who are older than you.

Although I understand the concern or rather, curiosity, living passionately or not is a choice, not an obligation. Here are why.

The Purpose of Life Was Only Born Because of Modernity

Trying to find the purpose of my life led me to a realization. Think about it. In the olden days, where people are still living a nomadic life in little groups, way before civilization was created, there was no question behind humans’ existence. Life was simple.

You live with your community and maybe take on a role in your group. You hunt, cook, or do whatever you want. Basically, you enjoy what the world naturally has for you. You just live.

Steven Pressfield stated in The War of Art that humans only started questioning their life’s purpose when…



Aurellia T. Elisha

Student. Life. Poems. Still trying to figure life out. Come to be inspired and be an inspiration.