3 Reasons Why You Should Reward Yourself for Your Hard Work

It has its benefits

Crystal Mathews


Photo by tommao wang on Unsplash

It can be hard to stay motivated and keep going when you’re working towards a goal.

Sometimes, it feels like we’re just slogging through the day and then we can’t wait for bedtime to come so we can just stop thinking about the task at hand.

We might work really hard on a project, finish it early, and not feel any sense of accomplishment.

It’s important to take time out of your day and reward yourself for what you’ve done so far! Here are some reasons why rewarding yourself is important.

Tomorrow’s Motivation

Rewarding yourself is important for two reasons. The first is that it helps you feel good about what you’ve done so far while also motivating you to work towards your goal.

For example, if you’ve been working on a project for the entire day and want to get home, but you don’t want to stop, rewarding yourself can help. Remembering that there will be a reward at the end of this road can keep you motivated and moving forward.

The second reason is that rewarding yourself after working hard on something gives you an immediate sense of accomplishment.



Crystal Mathews

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