3 Rules and You Can Lead the World

Farrukh Jamal
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2020

Loud this regulations out, mark this directives and hang it on a wall where you can meet it day-to-day life — these 3 rules has to be habits of you and you can lead the world.

Many of people unwisely believe that power of money their hands can lead the world, it is not what a wise person believes. It is STRATEGIES a wise person makes to lead any walk of life.

Life is a set of rules which cannot be neglected and a wise person accurately applies these guidelines. You cannot lead the world unless you take control of you. I observed some of regulations a wise person does and my duty is to serve right with the people. I come now with the major rules of LEADERS who leads the world.

Rule No 1: You Can’t Get Emotionally Attached

Get emotionally attached makes you weak and a person can’t be weaken to lead the world.

No one can take away control of your life until you are ready to presenting it. If you foolishly give control of your life, you can’t even live happily anymore. Numerous people adopt this habit to find a person who can they get emotionally attached. What do I observe, it becomes the powerful reason to stick people away from their goals and fails to lead anything in life. You can’t rely into this, life is a meaning of one time response. The response must be stick with your plans that can help you lead the world.

Be great positive, Do further respect and love
but gate of emotional attachment, keep it closed!

Rule No 2: Better Be A Personality Instead Of A Person

How do you see yourself an extra-ordinary person who can lead the world?
A person who leads the world does not rely only a person, HE JUMPS FOR BEING A PERSONALITY.

The best rule you can apply, to make change yourself just a person to a PERSONALITY, observe an ordinary person and seek what to do and what is not to do for betterment. How the ordinary person behaves and how the changes you have to make?. Are you moving the same road that an ordinary person does? Ask these questions to yourself and work to get better results. You can’t lead the World if you are seeing yourself as an ordinary. PERSONALITY differentiates you from others and it shows uniqueness and display of self.

What You need to Change yourself making a PERSONALITY?
All you need to change: Nourishing your Interpersonal Skills, make changes into your Presenting skills, more respect of people with your treating skills, Changing you as a better Conversationalist, Acquainting With new circles, Expanding your new interests, accepting failures and so on . And elsewhere you can set you different from an ordinary, just observe and make change.

A Person can die
but PERSONALITY stays alive.

Rule No 3: Do Follow But Do Not Merge You in

Becoming a follower is highly recommended to anyone because a good leader always a better follower but you cannot MERGE you in, it is slightly different to go along with, which does not describe you. You can follow a person but you cannot be the selfsame because you have far different life and demands. The only person you can rely is YOU, if you merge yourself whom with you follow, it can lessen your brightens to the world.

I follow hundreds of people who have contrasting qualities that I have been trying to develop in me because they lead the nation and they are rare from the world, okay. What qualities do I have own which makes me different from the world?. If you constantly merge yourself adopting the qualities of others, what uniqueness will you have left making your PERSONALITY into this world?

The choice is all yours, how you can see thyself different form the world.

Personality Speaks till Ends
Let’s work on

Thank you.




Farrukh Jamal

As a writer I say, writing is becoming my living love day by day. i love to earn in learn . As a student, it’s just a beginning . Keep supporting please.