3 Seemingly Harmless Behaviors that InhibitYour Financial Success

Break free if you want lasting change.

Anu Kumar


Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

You’ve read all the financial books, but don’t have results.

How many times have you been told that creating a budget, eating at home, and cancelling subscriptions is all you need to do to fix your finances?

Most articles on popular financial advice don’t account for human psychology or specific situations. Consider that other methods didn’t work because it only scratches the surface.

Personal finance is behavioral science is disguise

Here are 3 mindsets that can drain your brain and your wallet.

1. You’re Obsessed with Pleasing Other People

How many times have you thought, “If I could just make x more a year, it would change my life.”

But would it really make a difference in your life if you bled that money to:

  • a bigger house so that family members stop insulting your small one
  • paid events and drinks to keep your “friends” including you in their life

You buy stuff to make others think you’re more interesting, well-off, or smarter than you actually are…



Anu Kumar

I write about books, culture, behaviors, and practical self improvement. Words + Fiction @ par-desi.com.