3 Self-Coaching Tools You Need To Change Your Life

The best self-coaching tools you will ever use

Luay Rahil


Photo by Bruce Mars on Unsplash

I recently heard an interesting story about a woman cooking a pot roast for a family dinner.

Her son asked her why she always cut off the ends of the pot roast before cooking it. The woman explained that she learned the recipe from her mother, who also cut off the ends of the pot roast. When she asked her mother why she did it, her mother revealed that she also cut off the ends of the pot roast.

As they dove deeper into the pot roast tradition, they eventually reached the great-grandmother, who revealed that she used to trim the ends of the pot roast because of her small oven. This story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of questioning traditions. It urges us to reflect on our actions and behaviors and not mindlessly follow them just because they've always been done that way.

The most powerful behavioral change tool is metaphor.

I'm sharing this story because I'm confident there are many instances in your life where you follow the status quo without questioning why.

Can you think of any area where you're not doing things for a valid reason but simply because it's what others are doing? If you're struggling…



Luay Rahil

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.