3 Signs You’re On the Right Track of Your Entrepreneurship

Yiqing Zhao
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2021


We all have the same journey, just different paths

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

I never thought I’d be an entrepreneur when I was young. Both my parents (and most of their siblings) had 9–5 jobs, and I was on my way to becoming a doctor.

Even when I made a 180-degree shift from medicine to performing arts, and heard a lot of disapproving voices — I still didn’t think of myself as an entrepreneur — Until the pandemic.

The entertainment industry was shut down. My actor friends and I lost a bunch of gigs and had to pivot. The word “entrepreneur” became one of my most frequently typed words on the search engine.

But here’s the thing: You can google as many articles on entrepreneurship as you want and still have no clue if you’re doing it right. Or — is there even such a thing as “right”?

If you look up successful entrepreneurs, you’ll find they all did it differently. If you ever worked with coaches, you’ll find not only do they coach differently, their coaching journeys are hardly the same.

So, as a new entrepreneur, how do you know you’re on the RIGHT track? Or more specifically, how do you know you’re on YOUR RIGHT TRACK?

Here are 3 signs to look out for:

You Find It Much Easier to Say NO

