3 simple steps to start facing childhood traumas for a flourishing life

Blanca Sánchez
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2024

Do you find yourself fighting to find happiness or worth in your everyday life?

Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash

As Jillian Michaels said: “The past doesn’t define you. Your present does”

If you find yourself feeling stuck in your personal life, and your professional journey feels like it’s missing the mark, the root might go deeper than your current circumstances.

Childhood traumas, often overlooked, can cast a long shadow over our lives, shaping our beliefs, fears, and insecurities. The good news? You have the power to rewrite this narrative and find the way to a successful and fulfilling life. Let’s explore how.

The Impact of Childhood Traumas: Breaking the Chains

Childhood traumas can be deeply stored in our hearts making us feel disconnected from reality. They even develop the power to build a life making us believe it’s our truth even though it’s not.

What do you still keep from your childhood passions in your daily routine? Answering questions like this one will let you know how far you are from your real being.

Limiting beliefs, rooted fears, and insecurities often find their origin in early experiences. Perhaps it was a toxic relationship, an unstable environment, or an emotionally distant caregiver. These experiences shape our perception of self, success, and the world around us.

Life is worth living, I promise you. Your circumstances only define your present but there’s so much beyond that. Here are some simple steps to start getting out of the loop.

Step 1: Unmasking Limiting Thoughts

The first step to transforming your life is to identify and challenge those limiting thoughts that have been holding you back. These thoughts often manifest as self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or a persistent belief that you’re not worthy of success. Take a moment to reflect on these thoughts. Are they based on your current reality, or are they echoes of the past?

By bringing awareness to these thoughts, you reconnect with the power to reshape them. Replace “I can’t” with “I can learn,” and “I’m not good enough” with “I am a work in progress, and that’s okay.” Challenge the validity of these thoughts, and watch as new possibilities emerge.

Step 2: Confronting Rooted Fears

Rooted fears from childhood traumas often act as invisible barriers, preventing you from taking bold steps toward success. These fears can be related to rejection, failure, or even success itself. Delve into the core of these fears. What’s the worst that could happen? More often than not, the imagined outcome is far scarier than reality.

Facing these fears head-on is liberating. Start with small, manageable steps that push you slightly out of your comfort zone. Each triumph, no matter how small, weakens the grip of these fears. Whether it’s initiating a challenging conversation or taking up a new skill, these incremental victories build resilience and confidence.

Our brains receive every message as an absolute truth. They reshape them and start working from that place. This is the main reason why self-talk is so important and, using kind and uplifting words creates a huge impact in our lives.

Step 3: Rewriting Relationship Scripts

Past relationships, especially those marked by trauma, can leave lasting imprints on how we perceive ourselves and others. If you’ve experienced toxic relationships, you might carry the weight of distrust, fear of vulnerability, or a belief that relationships are bound to end in disappointment.

Challenge these relationship scripts by fostering healthy connections. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who encourage and inspire you. Seek professional guidance if needed to navigate the complexities of building and maintaining positive relationships. As you rewrite these scripts, you pave the way for fulfilling connections that fuel your journey to success.

Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

Cultivating Habits of Success: Small Changes, Big Impact

Success is often the result of consistent, positive habits. Start by incorporating small changes into your daily routine. Set achievable goals, celebrate your victories, and be kind to yourself in setbacks.

A morning routine that includes affirmations or mindfulness can set a positive tone for the day. Consider a regular practice of gratitude to shift your focus towards what’s going well in your life. You can find guidance in my free new E-book “Heal with Gratitude”.

Remember, the key is consistency. These small changes, when practiced daily, create a ripple effect that transforms your mindset, boosts your confidence, and sets the stage for a successful life.

In Conclusion: Your Journey to Success Begins Within

Dealing with childhood traumas is a courageous act of self-love and empowerment. By working on limiting thoughts, confronting rooted fears, and rewriting relationship scripts, you take charge of your narrative. Cultivating habits of success through small, intentional changes propels you toward the life you desire.

Remember: “Your past doesn’t define your future”.

Your journey to success begins within, with a commitment to self-discovery, healing, and intentional growth. Embrace the power within you, and watch as your life transforms into a synergy of resilience, strength, and triumph.

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