3 Steps to Intuitive Content Creation (To Make an Impact and Reach Your Reader’s Heart)

Your best content is the one that effortlessly flows out of you

Nadia Tidona
3 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo by Robbie Down on Unsplash

Wouldn’t it be amazing if great content could flow easily through you and reach the heart of your readers?

Well, would you believe me if I told you that you can make it happen?

It’s not magic or woo-woo nonsense. It’s a proven strategy that allows you to set your intuition free and let your “idea seeds” bloom.

You see, many times, what’s getting in the way of spontaneous creation is… our brain.
We try so hard to produce something of value that we spend our time analyzing, rationalizing, and reflecting. And although these are necessary steps to achieving the results we want, there’s a time and place for them.

That time and place are what we can call pre-creation.
It’s when we gather information and let our amazing brain elaborate data that we can later use intuitively (and pretty much unconsciously) to make better decisions and create great content.

Are you familiar with that feeling of staring at a blank page, trying to force words to come out? The one that usually ends up frustrated you are shutting off your laptop and wondering if it’s even worth trying.

There’s a fundamental truth to creation, and it’s that creation comes from a place of creativity.

Creativity is not something we can force.
But we surely can encourage it.

Here is a simple 3-step process to set your intuition free and create from a place of pure inspiration.​

1- Get a creative refill

We spend so much time in our left brain. Scheduling, analyzing, rationalizing.

Stepping out of it and making room for our intuition to take the stage requires a conscious effort.

For me, this happens by connecting fully to the present moment. Getting out of my head and feeling grounded in the here and now.

I know, it sounds obvious. But be honest, how often do you do that?

Being in nature, admiring the beauty and spontaneity around me, going for a walk, and playing with my child are my go-to ways to reconnect and get grounded.

That’s the first step to getting in the right state of mind to create wonderful heartfelt content.​

2- Clear your mind

Our monkey brain is always on, isn’t it?
Get rid of the chatter before you get creating.

Do that with a guided meditation, some free movement, or some breathwork. Whatever works for you!

I love using Insight Timer’s (free) guided meditations, and I’m especially fond of these two:

They fill me with positive energy and make me feel ready to shine my gifts out into the World.​

3- Get yourself to an emotional peak state

This is a trick I learned from Medium superstar Tim Denning.
As he says in his e-book “How To Become A Game Changing Influencer Online And Inspire Millions”:

“An element that you must have when it comes to building influence online is the skill to be able to transfer emotion to your audience”

The best way to create emotion in your readers is to embody that emotion yourself and pour it into the content you are creating.

If you want to inspire confidence in your reader, create a state of pure confidence within yourself before writing. If you want to make them feel happy, feel happy yourself. If you want them to laugh, get laughing.
Pour all of that emotion into the piece you are crafting.

Reach an emotional peak by watching a video of your favorite motivational speaker, watching a piece of shadow act, or listening to music that inspires you, energizes you, gives you the chills, or whatever you are looking for.

  1. Get grounded in the present moment
  2. Clear your mind
  3. Reach an emotional peak state

Then, start creating.​

Does it sound simple? It is. And it’s also pleasant.
The best content is the one that effortlessly flows out of you.

This is an extract from the latest issue of my newsletter, Create a Life You Love. If you enjoyed this story, you might enjoy reading the next issues going out on Sunday mornings.

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Nadia Tidona

Happiness Coach for parents. I help parents find joy, connection, and fulfilment with emotional regulation, effective communication, & stress management