3 Things To Always Do In Good Faith

While you venture across the medium platform, in search of wonderous stories, and rabbit holes that at times are filled with opportunities of mining value, ideas, and friendship.

Riku Arikiri


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Writing has given me the utmost joy and passion to explore and improve myself on a greater level. During the pandemic, I believe I have experienced far greater battles but there was one thing that kept me going and that was writing on medium.

Whether I was experiencing hardships or I was going through personal struggles — I always stuck to my regiment of daily waking up and writing a poem, or perhaps a story to articulate myself, my thoughts, and vice versa.

About me, I wasn’t always an avid writer or a blogger. Sure I did blogging but that was more than a decade ago. I did write though, I write through social media apps and connected with people.

That was it for me then, I came across medium for the first time in 2014. Back then I used to write on sites like Reddit and Stackoverflow as a hobby. I used to run communities that would help each other troubleshoot issues related to tech and whatnot.

Though medium was still in its early stages, I gave it a go and did perhaps write something…



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.