3 Things You Absolutely Need to Monetize Quickly as a Writer

Avoid the listicles. This is all you need.



I know the feeling of wanting to get your voice out there for the world to read. You have so much to say and share. But you don’t have an audience. You don’t have your own blog or YouTube channel. So how are you supposed to make money off of it? If you’re a newbie writer and want to kick start your writing monetization, I have 3 essential tips for you.

While you can go out and get your own blog, is it really worth it? I had my own blog a couple of years ago. I had to spend money on domains, web hosting, and a web builder.

Let me just tell you up front that building traffic and a following on a blog is very difficult to do, especially if you don’t have a huge following on your social media. But I’m going to touch on that a little bit later.

About 2 years after I started my blog, I decided to end it. It just wasn’t going anywhere. I didn’t have nearly enough subscribers to be able to pique the interest of any affiliates.

If you have the patience to wait years for your audience to grow so you’re eligible to start making a buck, bless your heart. But if you’re impatient like me, there are quicker ways of accomplishing this.




I love writing, Marshmallows & Cats. *Writer for The Startup, Illumination, The Writing Cooperative, In Fitness And In Health, A Magical Space For The Introvert