3 Things You Must Do Before You Leave Planet Earth.

Richard Landeau
Published in
6 min readFeb 19, 2022


It doesn’t matter your age or condition. Don’t wait until you’re actually dying to live.

Image by: Pixabay.com

I’ve lived a lot of life in my twenty six years here: I endured terminal cancer; saved lives as an EMT and Nursing Student; Learned how to be truly attentive to people by working for companies such as In-N-Out Burger and Apple; Sent two humans to space via the Crew Dragon DM-2 Mission Capsule in my time at SpaceX; Got engaged to the love of my life; and currently I study the spirit and human behavior.

I believe my claim to be a factual one when I state:

I’ve lived a lot of lives in my one lifetime. And I’m just getting started.

The reason I tell you this is because in the time that I’ve done my living I’ve made an observation of the many people I encountered during my various adventures that I can’t quite seem to understand.

People wait until it’s too late to truly begin to live.

Now, of course, this is a generalization. There are individuals this doesn’t apply to. However, if you’ve made it this far I’m sure your willingness to read has turned from curiosity to genuine Seeking of Knowledge. This, friend, I can help you with.

1) Disconnect for a Minimum of 1 year.



Richard Landeau

Wisdom begins in people and is preserved in text. Write like your life depends on it.