3 Things You Need To Stop Doing Now

“Stop doing what is easy. Start doing what is right.”
Roy T. Bennett

Arsalan Haroon
4 min readJan 28, 2021


If you know what you don’t want to do in life to become successful, then you have a clear understanding of what you need to do or whatnot. Which thing is good for yourself or which thing is not, but many people don’t know about what are things which are harmful to them and it will take them back instead of growing in life.

People know that they need to work hard to become successful in life or many other things and it’s essential, but it’s equally important to know the thing which you don’t want to do if you succeed in life. Because if you know how they will affect your life then you don’t do that thing which will harm you and take you back instead of becoming successful. So let’s learn what are the things you don’t do if you want success in life.


Don’t Think You Know Everything

People often think that they are smart, and everybody thinks that they are different from other people. But it’s a lie that you tell yourself. If you think like that, then you never become smarter instead you become dumber than you are right now. So instead of telling yourself that I am smart and different, just say and think that you are a life-long learner, you don’t know everything.

But you try to learn new things and don’t call yourself a smart person, and I know everything rather call yourself a lifelong learner. Don’t think that you know everything if you think like that you become smarter than the people who are telling themselves these lies that they are smart and they know everything in life.

Stop Multitasking

If you do this thing at work and you feel that you don’t focus much on your work. Multitasking is the reason for that because if you don’t focus on one thing at one time. So how can you do your work with more focus if you just switch your focus from one thing to another every time? It’s not possible, I know sometimes people don’t have time to focus on one thing at one time.

So that's why they multitask, but In multitasking, if you don’t focus on both of your work then it's a waste of time for you to multitask and you more procrastinate instead of focusing when you multitask. Always focus on one thing at one time, it will help you improve your focus. It will help you work with more focus and achieve great results instead of just wasting time on doing multitasking.

Delay work

Sometimes it’s reasonable to delay work if you have something more important to deal with but if you delay your work because you’re feeling lazy at that time then it’s a big issue for your life and you need to address this issue and stop delaying work otherwise it will stop you from doing things which will make you successful.

If you want to do something which is out of your comfort zone, then you need to take that action that is out of your comfort zone. Otherwise, we all have dreams but only one percent will become successful. Because they don’t just dream but they do something which is out of their comfort zone so stop delaying your work and start working right now if you want to become successful in life.


You need to stop doing things that will stop you from becoming the person you always dream of. You do not grow if you are just dreaming you need to take action for that and start removing things that will stop you and do something which helps you to progress faster to your goals and success in life.

  • Don’t think you know everything
  • Stop Multitasking
  • Delay work

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