3 Tips I Use To Deal With Writers Block

Something Many Writers Deal With

Cecilia Carcamo
3 min readFeb 20, 2024


Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

We all had that feeling of preparing ourselves to write our next amazing story.

I imagine the scene in my head, thinking of the words that I will put in the page. I open my laptop ready to continue my story.

Then I see that dreaded blank page and — my mind goes blank

All that mental prep was for nothing

I spend seconds, minutes, sometimes even hours just staring at the blank page only to turn off my computer and write nothing.

I hate when that happens and if you are reading this you probably hate it too.

While I don’t have the universal cure for it I can share some tips that have helped me in the past.

1# Take a Little Break

You might think “Are you crazy, if I take a break then that means I will have less time to write”

Sorry to break it to you but if you are only gonna stare at a blank page all day, you might as well take a short break

Sometimes inspiration may strike while you drinking a cup of coffee or playing with your pet

Taking your eyes off the computer can help you imagine a better scene. Believe me, I once saw my mother dance with my dog which gave me the idea of a scene with my main character dancing with her cat for a short story I am writing.

Taking a break can help clear your head a bit so it’s worth to give it a shot

2# Role Playing As If I Was a Character

This one can sound weird but when I struggle with writing a talking scene I pretend to be the characters who are speaking.

Even though I am their creator, imagining I am them and even imitating their mannerisms helps me understand more about them.

If I feel like it I can even try to do their accents if I want them to have one, I mean go big or go home right?

The negative is that when I start acting and talking like them and pretend I am talking to the other characters people can see me talking to myself and think I am nuts.

Who cares?

I choose to ignore that though, after all I rather prefer being called weird than writing a bad scene because of my lack of understanding my characters.

3# Write Just Write

No matter if you feel intimidated by that page in blank, no matter if you feel your writing is not as detailed, it does not matter if you don’t have a clear idea — just write.

As long as you have the part of an idea then write

No matter if it’s not perfect, it doesn’t have to be during the first time

If you don’t like it then you can always rewrite once you have a better idea for it, but laying the foundation is a very important step.

I have written scenes only to change them later, but at least I had a foundation to work on for when I decide to change the words.

If you do nothing then you will only stare at that white page doing nothing.

You may not believe me but I had writer’s block today while writing this article, but I decided to write even if my words aren’t the prettiest because if I write nothing then I will never finish my stories.

As I said, while these tips helped me I can’t guarantee they will help you, but I hope I at least motivated you to try and write even with your writer’s block.

If you liked my tips and found them useful then I hope you put them through good use.

No matter which of the two you are I hope you have a happy writing

Thank you for reading so far and I hope to see your comments and feedback, it would mean so much to me.



Cecilia Carcamo

Just a colledge student who want to practice her writing. Expect to read about various stories and some tips for random things. Hope you like my articles