3 Traits You Need To Be Truly Happy

Even when the world comes crashing down.

Fatima Sultan


Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

The world has never been more miserable. The once-laughable Hollywood apocalypse seems within arm’s reach.

And happiness seems further than it ever was.

Yet, today, happiness is no longer just an emotion. It is a skill that you can use to avoid life’s disappointments and misery.

When misery becomes the new joy, we must fight back and reclaim our happiness.

Because we all show up to our day jobs miserable. We collect our paychecks in misery as the government and our insurances steal our hard work.

Think about it, how many of you sit behind a desk in a cubicle from 9 to 5 for five days a week. And let’s not be stupid, sometimes the work runs over and you leave your cubicle at 8 pm.

You go home and you heat a soggy unseasoned ready meal that tastes like acrid and plastic.

Our lives have become a broken record of misery. When we do get married and think we will finally get our Cinderella ending, we end up in more misery.

We go to work miserable and come home miserable. We wake up miserable and go to bed miserable.

So, it’s no wonder that it begs to be asked, are there genuinely happy people…



Fatima Sultan

Passionate about life and its many disappointments. This was supposed to be cool. Oops! Hear more from me: https://fatimasultan.substack.com.