3 Ways I Make Time to Read

Building and Maintaining Healthy Habits



Photo by Hümâ H. Yardım on Unsplash

This post lists 3 ways I make time to read as a busy mom and professional.

It’s not to brag but simply share how I create the space to sustain significant habits.

1. Set short attainable goals.

I strive for merely 5 minutes a day. It’s tiny, and achievable yet adds up to a whopping 30 hours a year. (Almost a full workweek!)

2. Enroll in a book club.

As an Obliger, I feel compelled to show up having already read the book. The accountability and community work wonders. At one book a month, that’s a dozen annually!

3. Keep Books handy.

I have books in every room- from trips, the library, rewards for milestones, and free Goodreads giveaways- they all are visual cues. Besides, my phone has 3 book apps. Together, they’re a powerful reminder to read more.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Further gamification fuels a healthy reading habit- details here:




Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.