3 ways to be stress-free.

Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2022
Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

You know, those people who always seemed to be smiling. What’s their secret? A lot of their smiling comes from applying small daily habits. Many of us face challenges every day, which can be stressful sometimes. Learning healthy ways to cope with these situations may lead to a healthy life. Here I am going to share three practical ways to be completely stress-free.

  • Change your environment
  • Correct your sleep pattern
  • Eat healthy food

It looks simple, but it is not. Why? Let’s dive deep into each section for further understanding.

Change your Environment:

Our environment has a significant impact on our daily physical health. Living in the same environment over a while can produce stress. People who keep their surroundings the same often need more motivation. Our brain is designed to notice and focus on new things, which can be helpful. You don’t need fancy stuff to decorate your surroundings. But instead, keep changing their setting will help boost mental health. Even a little difference can brighten your mood. Some other outdoor habits are the following,

  • Enjoy nature: Outdoor or viewing scenes of wilderness can increase pleasant feelings. Consequently, it helps with muscle tension and reduces hypertension.
  • Work in your garden: Gardening help in building self-esteem, reduces stress, improves strength, and gives you a boost of vitamin D.
  • Early morning walking in the woods will help you with many health benefits.
  • Relax in the park: If you don’t like walking, you can enjoy the outdoors while sitting on a bench in the park.
Photo by Felipe Salgado on Unsplash

Correct your sleep pattern

Sleep and stress have a significant role in our Physical and mental health, but unfortunately, it is one of the least discussed topics in clinical health literature. Experts recommend 7–9 hours of Night sleep depending on the person and other factors. The sleep disturbance causes negative mood, difficulty concentrating, and ability to perform tasks.

Minimal stress doesn’t hurt our body, but a more extended period of stress converts into anxiety. A recent study by the Center for Diseases shows that insufficient sleep has been linked to chronic diseases like

  • Diabetes: Recent studies show that improving the quality and duration of sleep increases blood sugar control in your body.
  • Cardiovascular disease: people with sleep apnea are at high risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Obesity: Insufficient sleep affects the Hypothalamus, which regulates the appetite and energy expenditure.
Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash

Eat healthy food:

Food fuels our bodies and also has an impact on the health of our minds. We have many food options, but we try to get a balanced diet. In stress, our adrenal gland releases cortisol hormone, which is inherently excellent but helpful in the short term. But being exposed to it for too long can cause chronic diseases. It can contribute to fatigue, hypertension, decreased immune system, and weight gain. A study shows that people on a traditional American diet, like fat, carb, and sugar, have more cortisol levels than those who eat vegetables, fruits, and grains. Some recommended food options are the following.

Foods contain high Vitamin B: which helps burn out cortisol. it includes

  • Beef
  • Organ meat
  • Chicken
  • Eggs

Foods contain omega 3’s: these reduce inflammation.

  • Fish
  • Avacado
  • Walnut
  • Olive oil

Stay hydrated: A study shows that less hydrated soccer players have higher stress levels than those who are hydrated. Drink at least 2–3 liters of water per day.

Avoid these foods: Excessive take of these foods can increase the stress levels in your body.

  • Caffeine
  • Caffeine
  • Saturated fats
  • Simple sugar like soda and candy.


Multiple factors are increasing stress in your life. But you can cope with all of these by applying these small habits in your daily routine. It takes little time, but I am 100% assured that it will give you the gift of healthy life in the long run.

Hi, I’m Ramiz. I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, consider buying me a coffee. The caffeine helps with writing and fathering.😜😜


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I am Mental Health Writer and Registered Nurse. Let's build Medium a better place . ghunna28@gmail.com