3 Ways to Ease Re-Entry Anxiety

Vaccinations are increasing, but many worry about venturing out



Experts advise pacing yourself and taking small steps over time. Photo by Tim Douglas from Pexels

I was genuinely excited to get my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine last Friday.

After living through lockdown in a rural North Carolina county where residents — to this day — remain at very high risk for COVID-19, it felt like a tremendous weight was lifted.

Although at least one in nine people living in my county has been infected since the start of the pandemic, I still see folks without masks every single day.

At the very least, I thought, the weekly trip to the grocery store will no longer feel so fraught.

Fatigued and suffering from chills, achy muscles, and a headache, I spent most of the weekend recovering from the common side effects of the second shot. Stuck on the sofa, I tried reading a book, but my mind quickly turned to wondering when “real life” would resume.

My husband, a therapist, was vaccinated several months ago. Like most everyone we know, we’re eager to get out and about. A beach trip, dinner with friends, a movie, a yoga class, a concert — all are on our wish list.

And yet, anxiety lingers. As it turns out, we’re not alone in worrying about venturing back into the world.




Former reporter/editor now freelancing from the base of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. I write about business, health and mental health.