3 Ways to Increase Your Creativity

The truth about new ideas

Joey I.
4 min readFeb 16, 2021


Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

“Creativity is Contagious, pass it on” — Albert Einstein

Creativity is a broad skill that a lot of people are now capitalising on to generate real incomes.

There was a time when creative pursuits were looked at as a waste of time.

Earning from creativity meant that you had to be the absolute best in your field and even this was not enough. You had to be discovered, you had to have access to the biggest magazines or the commercial record labels before you could even start to think about sharing your creative work, let alone earning from it.

With the advent of the internet, the dynamics of content creation has changed radically. People have an international audience at their fingertips. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Medium make it easier than ever to get your creative work out there.

With this being said, now is the best time to sharpen your creative skills and start earning!

Before we can expand on or become proficient in any skill, we need to first be able to understand and define what it means. The same is true with creativity. Creativity can sometimes seem like a broad word that means something different depending on the person saying it. It can be the way a scientist is able to come up with a new theory whilst also being the medium used by your favourite rapper to tell you how much money he has and what he had to do to get it!

The objective definition of creativity is “The use of imagination or original ideas to create something.”

If we break this down into two parts we have the creation of something and then the originality/imagination used to create it. Anyone can rip someone off and duplicate their work but creativity involves making something new or something familiar with an original twist.

Now that we somewhat understand what it is to be creative, how can we get the juices flowing to create something truly original?

Stop Overthinking

Your conscious mind can only show you what already exists, it will question the unfamiliar and make you doubt anything new or unknown. To truly create you have to come from thoughtlessness and awareness. Our brains make split-second decisions and the thoughts that come afterward do nothing but tire us and cause doubts.

Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be it’s master and not its slave.

Most people are a slave to their minds and their thoughts control them. The key to creativity in any aspect of life, whether coming up with a solution to a problem in your relationship or coming up with a masterpiece in the studio is to be in control of what thoughts you allow into your head. This is why your best decisions and light bulb moments are always from your gut instinct or a split second of intuition.

Live in the moment

Think of the best artist you know, how do they live their life? Are they worried about tomorrow or what has already happened or are they too busy enjoying their life in the present? The present moment is the place where everything happens. nothing else exists! When all of your attention is focused on what you are doing without the stream of unwanted thoughts, all you can do is create! your gut and your subconscious mind will take your creativity to new heights! All of your pent-up emotions and your past traumas along with the most beautiful moments in your life will bring themselves to light with your new piece of work.

Take inspiration

There’s no such thing as something brand new, you have to use tools and inspiration that already exist and expand on it. this could mean using a sample for a new beat, or using what you’ve learnt through life from multiple sources to write a blog post. Everything starts somewhere. Before the drone, there was the helicopter, before that there was the plane and it all started from someone looking at a bird and wanting to know how it felt to fly.

Everything new isn’t new. It’s something that already was, made better or different. Before you can become the best writer, painter, or producer you need to study the greats. It’s just how it is!


Use these three steps to take your creative work to new heights. When used in conjunction you will find yourself in the flow state and having light bulb moment more than you’d ever have imagined!

Excerpts are taken from here.

