3 Ways to Manifest Your Dream Life This New Moon

I’m ready for something new and exciting, how about you?

Shea Hulse


new moon june 2022
Photo by maggie hung on Unsplash

I’ve only just become aware of the New Moon tonight, June 28th, 2022 and it couldn’t come at a better time for me. I’m so ready for new. Are you too?

So in honor of this New Moon, I decided to put together a list of things that I’m doing to prepare. There’s a lot I’d like to manifest this time around.

What is it about a New Moon?

The lunar cycle is and has been revered throughout human history. Ancient civilizations devoted temples and pyramids and other strange things to the moon’s cycles. It was a way to denote the passing of time and everything in between.

I have always been interested in it from a spiritual sense and I even downloaded an app because it showed the lunar cycle and explained more about it. Because, apparently, the iPhone calendar doesn’t show the moon’s cycle? If it does please tell me below! Anyway, the app is Moonly and was actually why my husband and I started intermittent fasting as well.



Shea Hulse

Wife and mom of two. My books are steamy paranormal romances full of magic and mystery. I help entrepreneurial women do the same. Traveller. Dreamer. Free.