3 Ways to Persevere Through Failure

How Failure Can Be Turned Around

Whitney Schwartz
3 min readMar 24, 2023


Photo by Ian Kim on Unsplash

Failure isn’t fun. I don’t know of anyone that likes to fail, but it seems failure might be the very thing that can catapult you into success.

When we fail this is an opportunity for growth. Failure can hurt but when it does happen, we need to sit back and look at the situation.

  • Was the failure in my control?
  • If so, what did I do wrong?
  • How can I make this not happen again?

When you analyze a situation and figure out the answer to the above questions you can better turn a situation around and become successful next time. If you have a hard time looking at your failures in this way, I know I still struggle with it, here share a few ways to shift your mindset to help you learn from failure and keep persevering.

Fixed mindset vs. Growth mindset

When failure happens it can be easy to get stuck in a place where we want to give up because we didn’t get the outcome that we wanted. Especially when you have been working on something for so long and you don’t get the results you hoped for. But changing you mindset to see how far you have come will help you tremendously.

How we react when we fail boils down to if we have a fixed or a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is when you do not think you can grow in a specific area. A growth mindset is the opposite, knowing you can improve and get better as you learn.

When you have a fixed mindset, failure will most likely than not be the stopping point for you. Once you fail, you give up and move on to the next thing.

Instead, with a growth mindset, when you fail you will learn from the mistakes you made, adjust your strategy and keep chugging along.

Celebrating the little wins

When you are on a journey of trying something new, celebrating the little wins is extremely important, especially if you fail at something. Most people don’t find success right away and they give up even though they could have changed their life if they kept going.

To help get you though the beginning, celebrate the little successes you see along the way. It might not be the big picture success you were hoping for but it is one step closer to it.

Keep going

There is a story from the gold rush of a man that had been mining for gold for months and when nothing came of it he quit. The next guy that took over found gold three feet from where the original guy stopped digging.

When you have a dream/goal and you aren’t seeing the fruits of your labor and success is taking longer than you expect, remember that gold might be right around the corner.

In the midst of failure, giving up can be the easy route. Depending on the situation, shifting how you think about things can help you succeed in the long run. Success can take time, but if you quit you may never get there.

Thanks for reading!

