3 Ways You Can Invest in Yourself Which Brings You More ROI Than Any Investment in Stocks

One of the many pieces of advice you get from personal finances gurus



Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

One of the many pieces of advice you get from personal finances gurus is to invest in yourself because this will get you the most ROI (return on investment).

What I always ask myself then is:

  • What is an investment in myself?
  • What should I buy myself that is an investment?
  • How do I know if this is an investment in myself or a time waste?
  • Is it an investment in myself or am I just buying nice pieces?

“The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn.”

— Warren Buffett

Here are the 3 ways I’m investing in myself:

(Online) Courses

You can get as many freebies as you want but investing in an actual course is helping you improve and actually take action on the lessons learned.

There are so many courses and seminars out there. It can be overwhelming. Almost everyone on the internet has some kind of course, asset, or book on a specific topic.




Introvert. Writing about my strategies from lessons learned about self-growth and productivity. Get my guide: karina-ahrer.com/boost-your-productivity/