3 Words to Stop You from Falling Into a Bad Mood

As explained by yesterday’s lap swimming-induced inner storm.

David Gerken


Photo by leah hetteberg on Unsplash

A bad mood is often the result of one incident cascading out of control. That’s all it takes. One thing happens and we let it take over our mood.

Like what? Well, I’m not talking about major events like getting fired, broken up with or losing a loved one. Those require bigger responses.

I’m talking about things like getting in a fight with your spouse/significant other, your boss being a jerk or somebody making a snarky comment on your Instagram page. It’s things that upset you and can drag you into a daylong funk.

The key is preventing that one incident from burrowing into our psyche and dragging us down. How do we do that?

Resisting the egoic force

As I’ve written many times before, it’s mainly about resisting the powerful egoic force that BEGS us to go along for the ride down to our lower selves. It’s not easy.

I’ve talked to many people about this and they all say the same thing: That force is near-irresistible AND there is so little time to keep our wits about us and resist its allure.

Your wife throws a cheap shot your way and you have less than a second to NOT respond by…



David Gerken

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at davidgerken.net.