3 Writing Lies That Need to Stop Right Now (Written by a Top Writer on Medium)

Do you believe these lies?

Almar Tagara
2 min readApr 26, 2024


A photo of friends who are spreading gossip about co-worker.
Photo by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-white-dress-shirt-covering-his-face-7640484/

Why do you think so many people want to become writers?

After I started writing online, I realized that it is not easy. You will experience rejection from digital publications, and the outcome is not guaranteed. This is why most people don’t pursue a creative career. It would be best if you learned how to deal with uncertainty every single day.

Writing is one of the best ways to clarify your thinking, and here are the three writing lies that need to stop right now:

1. You need a college degree to become a successful writer.

Ernest Hemingway and John Steinbeck don’t have a college degree.

But they are known for their novels and both of them won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Today, degrees are a luxury. Most people can’t afford to go college because it’s so expensive.

If you want to be become a writer, you need to define your own definition of success.

In the digital age, the internet created a new category of writers.

They are UX (User Experience) Copywriters, Content Writers, and Digital Writers. Some of them work on different different companies and Digital Writers use social platforms to share their on the internet. How do I know this stuff? Because I’m a Digital Writer and Ghostwriter.

If you’re a new writer, try writing essays, news articles, and poems so you can build a great writing foundation. As a result, you will improve your communication skills and your parents will love you.

2. You need to become an expert before you write anything.

In the digital age, people love to read emotional stories.

Stories and memes are some of the most viral content on Twitter and LinkedIn. You don’t need permission to share your ideas on the internet. But if you want to share your opinions, it’s important to have a basis for your beliefs. Doing your research will help you understand your target reader.

Digital readers want solution for their problems.

They want to learn from people who are problem solvers.

3. There is only one path to becoming a successful writer.

Writers have different specializations.

For example, Academic writers are great at writing formal essays, lesson plans, and action research. But copywriters are great at writing email newsletters, landing pages, and sales letter. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to writing.

Make a conscious decision on what type of writer you want to become in the digital age.



Almar Tagara

Digital Writer | Artist | Ghostwriter| Want to become a Thought Leader in your industry? Connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/almartagarasaas/