30 lessons I internalized while 30

Ryan Scott
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2023
Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

I’m about to be 31, so here are 30 lessons I internalized while 30. Be well.💙

1. Let love in. You are your own door.

2. We have to meet people where they are. Sometimes we have to leave them there.

3. Your demons will follow you for as long as you give them a bed to lay in.

4. Forgive yourself–truly forgive yourself–for not knowing better at the time.

5. Fall in love with reality–not potential. Focus on what things are rather than how you wish they would be.

6. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.

7. Be gentle with yourself and others. Everyone is making it up as we go.

8. Feel your emotions. Rationality can subdue your humanity.

9. Say what you need to say.

10. “No” is a complete sentence.

11. You’re going to hurt people. Be accountable.

12. Forgiveness doesn’t mean reconnection. Sometimes it just means giving yourself peace of mind.

13. Sometimes we have to make the conscious, intentional choice to let go and make room for something better.

14. Crying can relieve the tension–emotionally, mentally, and physically.

15. Alcohol makes the loneliness worse. Be mindful.

16. Take deep breaths before responding to something triggering.

17. Disconnect every day. You need time alone–including away from technology.

18. Nature is revitalizing. Our concrete jungles have nothing on the natural world.

19. Community is nourishment. Surround yourself with compassionate people who help you to grow–and provide support in return.

20. Accept that you’re getting older. It’s more fun that way.

21. But also hold onto your playful, inquisitive youth with which you came into this strange world.

22. Have as much or as little sex (consensually) as you want. Your needs and wants are dynamic.

23. Get comfortable with regularly sitting with your own thoughts.

24. Your ego is often incredibly wrong. Learn from your mistakes.

25. Heal everything your ‘inner child’ is still hurting from. They just want to be heard.

26. Put as much love into the world as you possibly can. Love is our greatest ability.

27. Find the beauty in yourself, others, and the world. The darkness always fades in the light.

28. Hold onto hope. We are doing this together. You are not alone.

29. Don’t forget to live. Even if the future looks ominous, we at least have the present–and now is the time to do what you need to be happy.

30. We are co-creating reality along with the universe. Life is truly magical.




Ryan Scott

I like to read, write, and talk about philosophy, consciousness, the origins of life, and how we can protect humanity and ensure our survival.