30 More Things Tik Tok Taught Me

Jenn Leach
Published in
9 min readMar 20, 2022


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I had a lot of fun sharing 36 things Tik Tok taught me.

From crazy simple and delicious recipes to how to trade cryptocurrency, movie recommendations, health hacks, and more, you can really find almost anything you’re looking for on the short-form video platform.

Here’s that article if you want to read it…

In this article, I’m excited to share 30 more cool and interesting things Tik Tok has taught me.

Let’s go!

30 Things I’ve Learned from Tik Tok

As always, just because it’s on the internet doesn’t make it true, even if it’s coming from an expert.

Make sure to vet out these ideas and do your due diligence.

I just saw a video from a girl who ended up admitted in the hospital for 3 days because she was trying the Tik Tok papaya seed detox where you eat the seeds to clean out your digestive track of worms.

It worked but, she also had blood in her stool, awful stomach pains, dizziness, and loss of…

