30 Poems in 30 Days

Celebrating National Poetry Month

Adonis Richards


image credit to Adonis Richards on medium

For 30 days I’ll be doing a writing challenge. Posting a prompt in the morning and a poem at night. Join me in my 30-day writing challenge!

Here’s today’s poem.

Poetry Saved My Life

I fell in love with words long before actions became a thing

These syllables became heartfelt love letters that made passages massive

Learning to contest feelings with powerful parables I descend into myself learning, living, loving

Poetry saved my life, and I fell desperately for her plight

Silently craving affection as my brain burst, the collection of sentences piling up the pain, passion, and happiness I rose from the depths of my insanity with a smile knowing I found solace in something that returned the love I gave it

Each night I learned something new about the beautiful new muse

And watch it dance with me in the night

Combatting each other till we ran out of breath

Alliteration alleviated the exhaustion I felt chasing expectations instead I found rhymes and hymns that gave me more wins than the myriad of women I lay with

Words changed me, separating me from the idea that I couldn’t achieve my dreams

So I call myself a wordsmith

Writing saved me from these feelings that I was worthless

I now have found the beauty in my

Purpose and arrive holistically past the surface of what my potential exerted

Poetry saved my life. And I’ll forever love her for that

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Adonis Richards

Writer and poet aspiring to write and create content. Website: adonisinquiry.com