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Challenges | 30 Day Experiments | Life Changing
35 Life-Transforming Challenges To Try for 30 Days
Amazing ideas to improve your life
Challenge yourself; it’s the only path that leads to growth. — Morgan Freeman
30-day challenges mean trying something new.
I always do 30-day challenges, which are different, healthy, fun, or even crazy every day for 30 days, which is the approximate number of days it takes to form a new habit.
However, recently, I decided to take a challenge for 66 days, which is more than double the 30 days. To prove my premises, I follow Dr. Maxwell’s findings, which clearly say it takes roughly 66 days to form a habit.
What is a habit?
A behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance.— Meriam-Webster Dictionary
I do 30-day challenges because I want to build sustainable, healthy, and productive habits.
I am super proud to say that I have completed 33 30-day challenges to learn and try new things. Sometimes, I do it just for fun, and you never know if it’s something that is going to…