36 Things Tik Tok Taught Me

Jenn Leach
Published in
11 min readMar 17, 2022


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I’m addicted to Tik Tok. I admit it. One of the reasons I love the platform so much is because of the interesting stuff I learn.

I’m going to share 36 things Tik Tok taught me.

Let’s get into it!

A quick note

First, don’t believe everything you read/hear on the internet. Just because someone on Tik Tok said it, doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

You’ve got to do your own research and your own due diligence, even if it’s coming from a professional (attorney, doctor, psychologist, etc.).

These 36 things I’ve learned aren’t vetted by me and I haven’t tried and tested them all yet.

If you’re interested in learning more about any of these, make sure to do your research.

36 Things Tik Tok Taught Me

1. You can throw 5 ingredients or less in a pan and it’ll come out delicious

There are so many recipes on Tik Tok I’ve tried that are this.

You combine 5 or less ingredients in a ceramic dish or pan, put it in the oven and bake. It’s done. It’s delicious.

Example 1: Feta tomato pasta

