4 Cheat Sheets That Can Help You Write Faster and Better

Work smarter, not harder

Larisa B.


Photo by Bryce Koch on Unsplash

If you find yourself staring at a blank page, banging your head against the wall because you have no idea what to write, this article is for you.

While we all dream of a moment when we sit at our desks and start typing right away, most of us struggle to come up with topics to write about.

I know I used to.

However, I don’t have this problem anymore and that’s only thanks to these documents I update regularly. Not only do I always have at least 4–5 subjects in mind whenever I sit down to write, but most of the time I also have a few paragraphs that are ready to be used.

These cheat sheets have saved me many times and if you take the time to build them, they will save you, too. Here’s how to do it.

1. Everyday Stories

If you are not taking notes of things that happen to you during the day, you’re missing out on amazing writing material. And the best thing about this is that you don’t even have to have a very interesting life or lots of friends.

You simply have to get up in the morning and leave the house. Sometimes not even that. Many things will inevitably happen during the day and you will most likely be able to use…

