4 Daily Habits You Must Get Rid Of In 2023

Start the new year with some positive changes in your life.

Biliz Maharjan


Photo by Samsung UK on Unsplash

Habits create reality. What we do every day determines what we become.

If you exercise and eat well, you will be in good shape. If you procrastinated in the past, you might not see any progress in your work.

There is no doubt that you must incorporate good habits into your life. But what about the bad ones? You can create a better life by avoiding bad habits similar to keeping the good ones.

Start fresh in 2023 by avoiding these four daily habits.

1/ Sleeping less than 6 hours

Sleep is essential to reboot your energy. It is necessary for your physical and mental well-being.

Sleeping less than 6 hours makes you feel unproductive and tired. A good 6–8 hours of rest is compulsory every day.

Matthew Walker, the author of Why We Sleep, says;

“Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day.”

If you have been a night owl — sleeping only a few hours daily, it’s time to reconsider it.



Biliz Maharjan

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Join 1000+ creators and thinkers for weekly notes: bilizmaharjan.com/subscribe