4 life lessons by Dr. Maya Angelou that changed me in 1 day.

Vaishnavi Paliwal
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2020

Many talents in one!

The Washington Post / Contributor- GETTY IMAGES.

I found a woman who has so much to give to the world with her different talents and gestures. From 1 week I am continuously searching about Dr. Maya Angelou — The black women creator. After knowing her from Forbes magazine interview and extremely excited after exploring her profession in past the she is only a writer, a poet, and a freelance writer, which we all are performing on medium.

After knowing about her different talents which she performed throughout her life, I can’t imagine whether she is a woman or an angel from heaven who is born to prove them an example to the world:

“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”

I am seriously inspired by her enormous talents like:

  • An American-African Author.
  • Dancer
  • Screenplay writer.
  • director
  • civil rights activist.
  • Actress
  • 3 Grammy winner ( for her audiobook - on the pulse of morning, phenomenal women, and flung up to heaven).

After wards, I came to know about her childhood and past stages of life which were challenging and filled with many discrimination in it. She also wrote her autobiography named “ I know why the caged bird sings’ (1969 non-fiction) in which she discussed her childhood and the reality of sexism and racism in her early years of life which made me curious about her whole life story and changed my attributes towards life, people, love and work.

Here are some Practices and beliefs of her life which influenced me and my daily living:

Everybody is great, Not you only

According to Angelou, Everybody in this colorful world has something to offer with his/her experiences of life. Each one is powerful and great in his beautiful journey of life.

“ A leader see greatness in other people; you can’t be much of a leader if all you sees in yourself” — Dr. Maya Angelou.

Born in 1928 in St.Louis, USA. she experienced discrimination against her race and color, which resulted in many setbacks in life and situations made her write about many poems and books on these, she writes real in her pieces.

From her stories I have learned we living in the era where we should share our stories with truth and confidence rather than hiding our setbacks or struggles because they will inspire other one’s to grow in every phase of life and never be discouraged, we must feel free to share our opinions with other around us.

The poem’s like “Phenomenal Women” (1995) of her’s depict the lesson that society thinks of the beauty of the woman lies in her body parts but it’s her in confidence and soul which made her attractive in the world.

And still I rise ( 1978) is about her struggles in life despite soo many challenges, she still moved on and rise. Society was against her and without parent’s support, she became a shining star in the world as an example.

Believe in your future and love.

As her parent’s divorced when she was young and faced sexual assault at 7 years of age by her mother’s boyfriend which impacted her mental health too and this incident made her mute for 5–6 years according to the book she wrote. But she never loosed hope for her coming future. The afterward, she started living in her grandmother’s house with her elder brother.

“I can be changed by what happens to me. I refused to be reduced by it”- her words.

She writes “Mom and me and mom” which explains the disturbing relationship with her mom in her childhood but also the importance of the parents when they are no more, which strikes me a lot.

I learned how in a bad phase she decided to experience life lessons rather than giving up and also write about them with confidence and courage in herself.

Never think of suicide despite she is assaulted and discriminated based on her race, color, and background, she managed to flourish her life.

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option”- Maya Angelou.

Don’t bring negative to your door.

Photo by Ahmed Hasan on Unsplash

During world war 2 she moved to San Francisco, California. Her concentration pays and she got a scholarship to study dance and drama at Labor school. She learned many jobs in her life started with a cable car conductor and also became The first black female to do so.

As she is performing Drama in her school and then she got her first album Miss calypso(1957) which made her a versatile actor and dancer too in her life, the album got worldwide famous because of her acting and interaction skills with the audience.

Supported black movement and joined “ Revolution Returnees” with Malcolm X and Martin Luther King jr. in the 1960’s in Africa and there she worked as writer and freelance writer. Written “ His day is done” (1962) on Nelson Mandela’s journey from Africa to London. This incident made her a civil rights activist and gave her more real stuff to write on.

From his journey as a writer, I have learned she is real throughout and constant in her work which made her honors.

Write with full courage and truthfulness that will give you much better results and fame.

“ If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.”-Maya Angelou.

“People know themselves much better then you do. That’s why it’s important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are”

Don’t let other’s ruin you, respect yourself first in sync with your talents.

From a dancer to speaking about The president “Bill Clinton” in 1993 by reciting her written poem “ on the pulse of morning” which bought her 3 big honors.This shows how she changed her life from 0 to 100 with her dedication and courage which teaches in every stage of life you must discover a new you.

See hard times as opportunities to discover a new you. Don’t hesitate to try new things whether it’s in your profession or personal life, it might bring you achievements and on to your portfolio. Like she is a director and actor because of her story writing knowledge. And a civil rights activist because she is gone through discrimination.

“If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love” -Maya Angelou.

She got divorced 2 times but he nourished her son as best she could do.

I learned from him whether it is a sad phase never through your negativity to your loved ones whom you get up within the morning, just give them a smile of love and care.

Died on May 28, 2014 in Northern California.

DR. Maya Angelou — A great woman with many professions.

Who you all must know about.

Thanks, Timothy Key.



Vaishnavi Paliwal

Serving people with the power of writing. ✨ freelance writer. I write about business, marketing, personal growth and life. Twitter: vaishnavipaliwal 🕊