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4 Mindful Decisions That Reduced My Overthinking to Almost Zero

Yash Prakash
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2023


Worrying and overthinking are a part of our human existence but there comes a moment when these thoughts become damaging.

We often fall into the trap of second-guessing our decisions, questioning our conversations and picturing disastrous outcomes in our head.

These thoughts eat away at our energy.

They make us a vulnerable shell of stress and anxiety and we feel neck deep in the feeling that everything is set against us.

Ever notice how overthinking always involves incessantly negative patterns of thoughts?

  • I’m gonna embarrass myself on that stage tonight…
  • I can’t believe I said that yesterday, what are they gonna think of me?
  • I will probably be the last in line for promotion. Everyone’s better than me anyways.

Sounds familiar?

These negative thoughts follow one after another and the last thing you know is feeling drained.

I used to have a deep relationship with overthinking.

A few mindful practices have helped me identify and deal with those thoughts just as they start forming.

I’ve learned to accept those thoughts for what they…



Yash Prakash

Software engineer → Solopreneur ⦿ Scaling my own 1-person business model ⦿ Writing for busy founders and business owners.