4 Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Achieve Your Goals

“You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis

Arsalan Haroon
4 min readJan 6, 2021


If we talk about setting goals this is the best thing you ever do in life If you use Goals setting method perfectly it will provide you whatever you want in life but you need to work hard for these goals.

But most of the people love the idea of setting goals, but they fail to achieve them. they don’t know what they are doing wrong, that’s why they don’t achieve that goal, and it’s normal if you’re making mistakes it’s ok everyone learns from mistakes but if you know that you’re making these mistakes and still you do then something is wrong in you.

Avoid these mistakes will give you more power to achieve your goals and grow in life. But you need to practice these to avoid because you don’t become a master in goal setting in just starting. So you want to know what are the mistakes you need to avoid making if you want to achieve your goals.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

— Tony Robbins


Not Writing Your Goals Down

If you write your goals in the journal and plan these goals according to your situation you become more specific and clear than the person who didn’t write their goals because they think I know what I want to achieve so why do I write them down.

The answer is that Humans naturally become more clear about things. If they write them down similar to if you write your goals down you become more clear about how to achieve them.

Not writing your goals down and just keeping your goals in your mind will not give you a clear picture of what you want to achieve. You just ended up doing nothing. So make sure whatever your goals are making sure you write them down this will clear your goals about what you want or whatnot.

Setting Too Many Goals

If you’re setting 10 15 goals and you need to achieve them all at the same time it’s not possible. You’re just don’t focus on one goal at a time if you focused on so many you just become frustrated because you work hard and don’t give time to your family to your kids just focusing on your goals because you have so many goals to achieve.

But even you work hard doesn’t mean you achieve your goals You need to rest sometimes and spend time with your family because setting too many goals and expect to achieve them all at the same time it’s just don’t possible If you work 24 hours a day.

If you want success in setting your goals and achieve them you need to focus on 1 or 2 goals at a time no more than that. If you focus just on that you become more productive and creative in achieving your goals because you spend time with your family and friends instead of becoming frustrated for setting too many goals.

Making Broad Goals

If you don’t specify your goals about what you want in life. Let say you want to be the biggest businessman but what work you do so you become the biggest businessman what industry you work in to become the biggest businessman You need to specify your goals about what I want to achieve why I Want these How I achieve this.

Now it’s similar to the point 1 if you want to specify goals you need to write them down if you write them down then ask yourself why I want these goals you can write that answer and if more question comes regarding that goal then also write them down this will give you more specific goals So you know what you want and achieve them.

Due Date

If you don’t set an end date then you don’t know the end time to achieve that goal and you just become lazy about achieving that goal because you don’t set a due date. if you start a new project then this project also has a starting date and end date If they didn’t have you don’t complete that project and don’t work hard for that.

Similarly, if you don’t set an end date you become lazy if you don’t know about your goal’s due date. your goal’s end date is as essential as your starting date. Both are important to have so you work hard to achieve your goals.


You need to avoid these types of mistakes if you want to achieve your goals successfully. If you don’t know about these mistakes and then make mistakes then it’s ok if you know about the mistake and make the same mistake again then something is wrong with you. So make sure to avoid these mistakes so you can reach your highest potential.

  • Due Date
  • Making Broad goals
  • Setting Too Many Goals
  • Not Writing Your Goals Down

“The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.”– Michelle Obama


