4 Parts Of Conversation That I’d Like To Eliminate

Conversation questions that annoy me to no end

Vuyo Ngcakani
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2021


Photo by Cody Engel on Unsplash

I would enjoy conversing all day long if I didn’t have to do it with people. Just kidding.

I’m not a huge conversationalist. If I’m asked a question, I’ll give you the answer. That’s all I’ll give you. I’m not into giving the background or other information that might make the answer more interesting. Short and sweet is how I roll.

My wife on the other hand will make you wish you had more time. I once asked a closed-ended question like “how many people were at the funeral today?” I didn’t expect an exact amount. “About 50” would have sufficed. But what I got was “difficulty parking”, “people don’t dress up anymore”, “how emotional the eulogy was”, etc. Then I got the answer I was looking for.

I won’t meet many of my readers in my lifetime. But just in case I do, maybe at a writers’ conference somewhere, let me give you some questions to avoid so that we can have a productive, meaningful conversation.

Here is a list of things/statements that people do in conversing with me that I hate.

1. They question the answer I give.

Let me explain.



Vuyo Ngcakani

writer, husband for 28 years, father of 3, grandfather of 2. I write about fatherhood, parenting, Christianity, & other topics. https://vuyongcakani.com