4 Simple Ways to Love Yourself and Your Life a Little More

We can’t keep judging people and let ourselves off the hook because we’re not perfect either.

Itxy Lopez


One of my mottos is: be better tomorrow. For all of us, there’s always room for improvement and growth, a chance to be better.

People always say you should change only for yourself, but the truth is, changing for the sake of others can improve the quality of your relationships. It’s a fine balance, but it’s possible.

There are four areas in life that I want to improve, but most people will be able to relate. These are the steps we can take together to create the type of change we want in our lives.

1. Put Your Phone Down When Someone Speaks to You

Isn’t it rude when you’re in the middle of talking and the person you’re speaking with grabs their phone? Even if they assure you they’re listening, their attention is split — and mostly, it’s on the phone. You’ve become muffled noise.

I despise when people do that to me, and yet, I do it all the time. When someone’s speaking to me, I’ll pick up my phone for no reason, and open social media. We don’t even need notifications to get distracted.



Itxy Lopez

I’m a self-discovery writer: I write as I grow, make mistakes, and learn.