4 Strategies for Leading Through Crisis

They are not all about business

Luay Rahil


Photo by Louie Rahil, MBA

I once walked off a job interview because I did not sense that the hiring manager cares enough about his employees. He was offended and sent me a horrible email that I still read to inspire me to be a better leader. Little did he know that he would apply to work for me a few years later.

I interviewed him; unfortunately, I did not hire him. I say unfortunately because he worked on himself so much that he became one of the best leaders that I know.

I start with this story to emphasize two points, caring about your team members matters, and continuing to learn and grow is critical to your leadership.

2020 pandemic exposed most leaders.

There are two things that most leaders let go of at the beginning of this pandemic. Caring about their teams and learning. Most leaders were managers who claimed that they were leaders, and there is a big difference between management and leadership.

Managers manage, leaders Lead.

Managers manage operations, and they do a great job as long as they are not required to change anything. Leaders lead. They influence others, they respond, they adapt, they evolve, and they pivot every day.



Luay Rahil

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.