4 Success Hacks Guaranteed to Improve Your Life​

“Study logic and math, because once you’ve mastered them, you won’t fear any book.”​

Godfather Investor
4 min readMar 1, 2022


Source: Godfather Investor

10 years ago I was up to my eyeballs in debt. Over $100k to pay for my college education.

Now, I’m not. I have seven digits in my checking account.

I understand that my life matters little to you, I’d say more like nothing. You’ll think I’m just another personal development coach selling courses online.

But that’s not the case, and I have something that might interest you.

I have a skill, a skill that everyone can develop and it is to have a success mindset.

This success mindset accompanied by a series of basic concepts is what made me hit a home run in my life.

You can read the following 4 hacks, and you will surely learn useful things. Important lessons that are the pillars that every successful mindset must have.

You can also subscribe for free to my newsletter and even read quite a few very interesting articles for free.

Here are the hacks:

Read Daily

I have never met a millionaire who doesn’t love to read. 85% of millionaires read more than two books a month. It’s that easy.

“Read what you love until you love to read” — Naval Ravikant

When you read and listen, you learn. When you talk and watch Netflix, you don’t learn. Millionaires like to learn and that’s why they listen and read a lot.

Just 30 minutes a day is enough, schedule that time and use time-blocking techniques to dedicate only to reading.

Most people who want to keep growing focus only on self-realization books. Don’t make the same mistake and read several genres.

Create habits

Systems create habits once these actions are internalized. The repetition of these habits is called routine, and when you have a steely routine, that’s when you become unstoppable. The difference between getting 1% better every day or getting worse every day makes a huge difference over the years.

Source: Atomic Habits

People who tend to fail are quick to spot. Maybe you are one of those people. They always make comments along the lines of:

  • “When I have money I will save and invest.”
  • “On January 1st I’ll start my diet”.
  • “I can’t be a millionaire because my parents are not”.

All this is False. There are small actions that, if implemented on a daily basis, will bring you closer, for example:

  • Positivity
  • Networking
  • Creating Systems
  • Reading books
  • Waking up early

But most importantly, TAKE ACTION. A habit can take anywhere from 66 days to 256. Start now.


The financial culture worldwide is null. People take advice from their bank’s sales representative. My mother was advised by him for many years. When I started to take care of her savings, she saw how by implementing a simple strategy with index funds, she was able to get returns of more than 10% every year.

If he had implemented this strategy from the beginning, he would have more than $10M today. But he didn’t.

Do you know why he didn’t? Because he decided to invest all his time in studying for a job, and did not know how to invest his time or money in training to know how to manage his money.

Invest in yourself and you will be paying yourself back many times over in the future.

But don’t think that the more expensive the course the better. In my success path I can teach you the same as an MBA for $10 a month (for now).

Take risks

Perhaps this is the most important advice of all. Take asymmetric risks. Risks where you can lose very little and gain infinitely.

The main asymmetric risks I know of are:

  • Create online businesses.
  • Invest a small part of your portfolio in very OTM options.
  • Learn programming skills
  • Learn how to sell
  • Learn math

Study logic and math, because once you’ve mastered them, you won’t fear any book.

Taking asymmetric risks is not complex. Many people think they don’t have the skills to launch an online business. But this is not the case. In my success path, I show you how to do it in a practical way. As I have done it myself more than 10 times.

If you want to learn:

  • The business proposal made to me by a drunk Swedish waitress in Ibiza that changed my life.
  • How to get more than 10k customers in less than a year with a simple landing page.
  • How to get the most out of your social networks and turn them into a money-making machine.

Maybe what I tell you in my success path will interest you.

It Interests Me

This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any significant financial decisions.



Godfather Investor

The Ultimate Guide to Success: Wealth | Relationships | Health | Wisdom. https://godfatherinvestor.com/