4 Things You Don’t Know That Are Stopping You From Doing Your Best

From a teenager to another teenager
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2024

Have you ever felt this way that you are wasting your everything, your entire time, you entire youth, but it’s not like you are not trying out, that you are not working hard but everything just seems meaningless.

Photo by Leeloo The First from Pexels.com

Everyone feels this, right. It’s been three weeks that I’m feeling under the weather. Three weeks since I last studied, three weeks since I wrote anything on medium, three weeks since I did anything except sleeping, crying over my life and situation, everything feels so trivial, insignificant and unproductive and guess what, it’s not the first time.

I do regular stuff like everybody, doing a common bachelor’s degree, having a common college life, but I don’t feel satisfied. I have always inherently wanted to be better , better than everybody else at anything I do. I always got good grades till my school time and what else would a student else want but then I wanted to do something extraordinary, something exceptional , to go out in world and experience everything but then of course for all this- You need to go out of your comfort zone and try things out.

This is where things get messy and you start to feel out of it.

Here’s what I analyzed is affecting you and stopping you to try out:

  1. What others think about you:

Everybody says “it doesn’t matter what other thinks”, “I only care about my progress”, “I want to become my better self everyday and not compare my progress with others”. How many times are you actually able to follow it? Here it always goes like, ohh you know lets say, I want to post content online but what would my friends think of me.

It’s like its okay with you if strangers see it but not your own people, not your own friends , family and cousins. You are apprehensive of how people close to you perceive you, so what happens is that even if you want to try something out, you become doubtful to try that out.

2.Doubtful about your career you chose:

When you are unsure about your career or your job ahead, you tend to feel insecure. You feel like you are doing something which won’t be fruitful in the future, you spend your entire energy and time in the task that you know won’t be helpful, but since you started it anyway you don’t have confidence to go back.

3. Over-analyzing and unsure about your choices:

You tend to over-analyze your every action, rather, the consequence, the gain , the pros and cons of every task you do. It takes away the fun from that task and you end up not doing it anyway and then regretting your decision. It’s good to think beforehand about what you want to do but overthinking about every task you want to perform doesn’t always end up right.

4.You are afraid:

You heard about things from your seniors or read online that how difficult that certain task is and you feel unsure about your capability to do it.

But trust me on this one:

You can’t know about the thing you never tried before. If you never tried, if you never did that thing how can you know if it’s for you or not, if it’s difficult or not, if it’s worth giving time or not. JUST TRY OUT.

Enact on your true desires without thinking of the product of those actions.



From a teenager to another teenager

A 19 year old teenager. If you are also confused and struck like me too, do read my posts. Will be happy to have discussions about it.