Don’t Ever Feel Stuck Again

It’s about time to change your mindset.

Ivona Hirschi


Image by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

Everyone wants to grow, dreams about a great job, and fulfilling life. The paths to achieve happiness are different. But if you are like me, you need to have a feeling that it is going somewhere.

I noticed last year that a lot of my colleagues felt stuck. They knew their job from bottom to top and were bored. My friends also told me that since the lockdown hit, they stayed at home and netflixed. So, general tiredness and boredom were walking around. I was in that circle too. But I decided to fight it by doing small shifts in my mind and daylife.

1. From lazy to regular

They say that any physical activity is beneficial for the brain and skills. You don’t have to be a gym freak to keep your guts going. I am lazy. Yet, whenever I manage to put my body out of the couch and do something, I feel much better. My sleep gets deeper and my mind clearer.

However, I am a fan of cloudy moody days. I love staying at home and doing nothing. So, finding the motivation to move was tricky. I had to overpower my lazy zombies and schedule time for some sport. I dreaded it, but when I started running or walking, I enjoyed it. After some time, I noticed the shift in my perception — moving was not an enemy, but a part of the routine.

