4 Ways To Be Kind To Yourself First

Tim Ebl
Published in
7 min readJun 11, 2020


Self care starts with respect, not massages or presents

Photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels

Are you your own friend?

Friendship needs to be based on respect.

The root of a relationship is the most important part. We can’t make the mistake of thinking that friendships based on anything other than mutual respect are healthy.

Unfortunately, healthy and happy relationships are not normal! This includes the relationship between your conscious and subconscious minds, between you and yourself.

With respect, we can work out disputes, set boundaries, and address individual needs.

Do you respect your subconscious mind? Do you even think of it as more than your slave boy/ girl, forced to follow your every need and whim? Do you take your own needs into account?

Many people never consider respect as something they need to have for themselves, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a huge and highly important thing.

Sure. You can order your mind around and expect it to do everything you want, right now, without any care the cost. You don’t have to worry about making sure your soul’s basic needs are met. You can just bark out orders and wait. And then you’ll be frustrated when it stumbles and doesn’t have the ability to get it done for you.



Tim Ebl

I help busy guys lose the dadbod, get their energy back and feel 20 yrs younger!. tim@simpleprimalfitness.com