4 Ways to Enlightenment

Truth by experience.

Death Mastery


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There is a huge collective misunderstanding concerning Enlightenment out there. Because it needs effort, courage, and the power to transcend — many people these days just say that it’s an illusion to think someone can be enlightened. Or that we don’t need to do anything because we are all enlightened at this moment anyway.

But what does Enlightenment mean? Philosophically it means to know what something is, the true knowing of existence.

Traditionally through the legacy of the prophets and saints like in the Vedic scripture of the Upanishads, Laotzi, Krishna, and Buddha,

»Enlightenment means: Knowing eternity.«

This is the original definition that has been forgotten in the crowd.

But the sad thing about this oblivion is, that also the trust in the own ability to really experience eternity got shuttered down.

I’ve heard so many people saying: »How to know infinity as a finite being?«

And because most people have given up the possibility of experiencing the eternal source, they rather believe in something they don’t really know.

Mention this: Because we are a living part of the FIRST existing source energy of the cosmos, we definitely carry…



Death Mastery

»Write with blood: and you will experience, that blood is spirit.« - Nietzsche