40 fun facts that show us what it’s like to live as a couple.

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18 min readApr 8, 2024

Having a partner with whom you have a good and healthy loving relationship can be a wonderful thing, it can be very beautiful. In relationships, different situations occur and many of these are very pleasant to experience and others not so much, but all of them help to unite the relationship more. Although each couple is a world and no matter how much similarity there is between two couples, none of them are the same, there are situations that do become practically the same, which is why below we bring you the work of the artist Yehuda Devir. Yehuda has created some vignettes that represent some of the situations that he has experienced with his wife Maya. If you have a partner, you will undoubtedly feel identified with some situation and if you don’t, we are sure that more than one of these vignettes will awaken some tenderness in you.

Photo by Carly Rae Hobbins on Unsplash

Shared series

Sharing your time watching a series with your partner is something wonderful, getting hooked on a show, and watching and commenting on all the episodes with your favorite person is a very valuable hobby since nowadays there is very little time for it.

But this hobby also has a negative side. Sometimes it is very difficult to leave a season halfway through, so waiting for your partner to be available and both of you can watch the series is not an easy task.


There comes a moment in the relationship when the feelings are so great that the two people behave almost as if they were one, they live together, they share tastes, hobbies… At this moment in the relationship, they begin to ask themselves “the big question.” …

The moment of proposing is full of emotions, on the one hand, the guys are very nervous in case their future fiancees say no and, on the other hand, the women are surprised and excited. It is one of the most beautiful moments of any relationship!

New diet

It is inevitable that at some point during the year one of the two members of the relationship will decide that it is time to lose those extra pounds. To do this, inevitably, he will have to start exercising, but he may also want to start a new diet…

When starting a new diet, since we have a lot of motivation, we tend to become very extreme and eliminate all junk food. However, this decision drags our partner, who if he has not decided to change his habits will not be too happy…

just woke up

As a relationship becomes stronger, trust between them also increases, so if you have been with your partner for a while, don’t expect him to get up a few minutes before you to clean up and get ready…

When we just woke up we didn’t look as good as we would like, apart from the sleepy face, the bad breath is also there. It is unavoidable! It happens to everyone! So you can forget about waking up next to a sculpture every morning…

I’m sorry

As is normal, even the most perfect relationship has turbulence at some point, some of these problems are easy to solve and others a little more difficult, but thanks to love and understanding, although sometimes it seems that not all of them can be solved.

One of the things that helps the most to get out of the hole is a sincere and deep apology, a “I’m sorry” at the right moment and some time and distance can go a long way in making your relationship a little stronger.

Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

Eating secretly

Surely you have ever done something innocent wanting your partner not to notice. If so, you have no reason to be ashamed, we have all at some point done things (not so serious) that we would like not to be known about.

Some of your innocent single habits have to change when you start living with your partner and one of them is eating from the refrigerator. If you want to keep your partner happy you should stop eating eagerly, maybe it’s time to start using a plate.

Always together

In all relationships, there is always a phase in which it is impossible to separate from the other, in some it lasts longer, in others less, but it always exists. In this phase, one of the best moments of the day is waking up together, very warm.

Waking up next to the person you love the most is a very beautiful feeling, so beautiful that you don’t want to separate yourself from them. You would love to not have to go to work or do different chores so you can spend more time with her.

Self-esteem problems?

Although it may not seem like they exist, men also have self-esteem problems, although for you your boyfriend is perfect both physically and mentally, it does not mean that he sees himself that way. How about you compliment him more often? We all like to receive compliments!

Sometimes when going to the beach, even if you feel fabulous and incredible, your boyfriend may not feel the same at that moment, so it is important to leave him enough space and encourage him to feel comfortable.

Disorder with legs

There is a false belief that all women are clean freaks. There is nothing further from the truth! Just like men, some are very organized and others are a complete and utter disaster.

Even if some tasks are tedious and you don’t feel like doing them, it is important to strike a balance with your partner, because if one of the two members of the couple carries the entire weight of keeping the house clean, they will get fed up with it very soon...


Laughing and maintaining a good sense of humor with your partner is something that should be mandatory for all lovers. Couples who laugh together often last forever But… there are certain things it’s better not to joke about.

One of the worst jokes you can make is to joke about your wife’s weight, just as weight is very important for men. Getting on the scale and seeing a couple of extra kilos can be a very hard blow.

Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

Little candy’s

Sometimes a couple’s hobbies and pastimes are not the same. But this is no problem! Even if one is a sports lover and another goes crazy with small sweets, you can become very happy together.

The most important thing is to find a middle ground, there will always be some point in common so that you can share your hobbies. If your partner doesn’t like the gym and you love sports, you can try other types of activities.

Sleep Angry

Everyone knows that going to sleep angry is not good, but sometimes it can’t be helped. If, despite trying by all means to avoid going to sleep angry with your partner, you have not succeeded, you must remember how much you love them.

Leaving space between you until the storm calms down is important, because if not you will never be able to deal with the problem successfully, when everything begins to relax you can try to show some affection. I’m sure they’ll do great!


As a relationship progresses, it becomes more serious, so the important dates increase (first date, first kiss, wedding day, birthday…) As is normal…it will be increasingly difficult for you to remember all!

A good trick to remember all the dates is to use the calendar on our mobile phone to remember these dates. Of course, you have to be clear about which dates are really important to you, for example, some couples love to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but others hate it.

hair loss

Women who have long hair spend their lives fighting against hair loss since having so much hair means it is inevitable that it will not fall out continuously. That’s why their houses have hair everywhere and are almost impossible to clean.

When living as a couple, men must get used to dealing with this problem, since they are not normally used to it. It may be difficult for them at first, but over time they will usually get used to finding hair everywhere.

The first gray hair

Beauty is a matter of perspectives, what for some people is beautiful, for others may seem completely horrible. When it comes to gray hair, this situation is accentuated, while some cannot even see them, others love them.

While for men these gray hairs are usually synonymous with old age and are associated with a deteriorating appearance, for many women gray hairs are a great positive point. For them, they are very sexy! Going from a handsome young man to a sexy old man is very attractive!

Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash

To gain weight or not to gain weight?

Sometimes gaining weight does not look the same on a woman as on a man, for some women gaining weight is a big problem, while for some men it is a positive thing since thanks to it they can dress with more style.

However, for some women, gaining just a few centimeters is a very tough battle, since they automatically think that everyone is going to see them badly and criticize them. That is why it is very important to accept ourselves as we are, instead of fighting against ourselves.

sick man

A little cold can destroy your husband. Sometimes men are very exaggerated and think that a small infection that gives few symptoms such as a couple of sneezes and some cough can take them straight to the grave.

In reality, they are just asking for affection, so when your boy is like this, take care of him, give him love, give him his medicine, make him some soup… Plus, in the future, you can make him repay you with a little treat like a foot massage...

Biological clock

In all relationships, there are different phases, first falling in love begins, later the commitment, and sometime later, the desire to be parents awakens. When the biological clock clicks, there is no turning back! The desire to be parents is growing more and more!

Having and raising a child is a very beautiful thing and when this desire is awakened in one of the two, the other will end up satisfying their obsession quickly. This commitment is very big and has to be well thought out, but fatherhood is something incredible!

Planning the pregnancy

Despite what is seen on the big screen, getting pregnant is not as easy as it seems. As the years go by, a woman’s fertile period becomes smaller and smaller, so when she wants to have a child, there is You have to spend some time planning.

Sometimes planning so much can add a lot of pressure, so you have to be flexible and find a balance, since being excessively disciplined with this issue can cause your relationship to deteriorate and that is precisely not what we want.

without getting out of bed

As we have seen in the previous photo, once the plan is ready, it must be executed. So get to work! Of course, keep in mind that you are going to make a lot of effort, so you are going to need a lot, a lot of energy.

If you look at the photo above… The man looks like he’s run a marathon! Keeping up is not always easy, perhaps it is best to call it a night and try again another time.

Photo by Shardar Tarikul Islam on Unsplash

How to prepare a baby

When you want to have a baby, all the efforts are few, so it is normal to make certain homemade lotions or potions that can help in the process. Yes indeed! Keep in mind that it’s also easy to go overboard and overdo it!

Sometimes it may just be a placebo effect and that is why it works, which is why it is very important not to hurt the other person’s feelings by telling them that their efforts are in vain, so you should make an effort to accompany your partner in these important moments.

The term

When it comes to having a child, this small time that usually lasts two to seven days is not welcome. It’s the worst! Leaving aside pain, bleeding, hormonal changes, etc. This phase of the period is a sign that a baby is not on the way.

When you are looking for a baby, this sign is not pleasant, since it indicates that the efforts of that month have not borne fruit, which is not good news. But not everything is bad, the good thing is that you can always try again.

The day of the positive

One of the happiest days of a relationship is when after a lot of time and effort they receive the great news that they are pregnant. It is a moment of joy and emotion that you will want to share with your closest circle.

From that day on, a new stage begins in which their lives will take a 180-degree turn. The relationship will change forever! In a few months, there will be a third little person who will make the days happier.

Hormonal changes

Pregnancies bring many changes for women and one of them is a hormonal change. During this period these changes can cause some oiliness to appear on the skin or a lot of acne. And this can be very unpleasant.

For the mother, this can be very frustrating, so the husband may try to alleviate some of this stress with a touch of humor. But maybe making a joke about her acne to your wife just when her hormones are upside down is not the best idea…

Careful and protective

When it is your first pregnancy it is normal to be nervous and want to try to do everything perfectly, but sometimes this can be a problem. Sometimes the man becomes very protective and this can be very frustrating for the future mother.

Although it may be very frustrating for you, do not get angry with your husband, he does it with good intentions. Instead of getting angry, explain to him what bothers you and what doesn’t, I’m sure that with a couple of conversations, this problem will completely change.

Photo by Mindy Sabiston on Unsplash

inside the belly

When the mother’s belly becomes noticeable, many people will try to touch and caress her belly, which is usually very uncomfortable and annoying for the mother, but there is always one person who will never bother when she does it and that is… The father!!

As you can see in the photo above, this is one of the most tender and beautiful moments of pregnancy. At this moment, both parents admire their creation and want their child to come into the world as soon as possible. Don’t you think it’s beautiful?

breast augmentation

We do not doubt that your husband will love this part of pregnancy and will surely receive this stage with great emotion, but you know what? In a few months, your breasts will only belong to one little person: your baby

If your breasts are small, you will notice this increase much more, and of course, your husband will also notice it. If you look a little at the drawing above, the artist perfectly captures how men become completely hypnotized by these changes.

The first kicks

Although it may be a little surprising at first, feeling something move inside you is an indescribable sensation. When this happens, you will want to pay a lot of attention and not let anyone move or distract you. It is a unique and unparalleled moment!

At first, it may be a little scary, but you will soon love to concentrate and enjoy these little moments, you will even wish it would happen your husband will surely want it too. When will it happen? When are you eating? When are you watching TV?


There comes a time in pregnancy, usually at the end, when your belly is so big that sleeping well is an impossible mission. Finding the right position will make you stay up most of the night tossing and turning.

Your husband will also suffer these nights, since apart from the fact that he woke up with your movements, although there are special pillows for pregnant women, you will prefer to use him as a pillow. Maybe you don’t like it too much… but it is what it is…

Go to the bathroom

Another of the uncomfortable changes of pregnancy is that the urge to urinate will increase a lot. This is because there comes a time when your baby doesn’t stop putting pressure on your bladder with her movements. When this happens, you will continually want to give birth.

Two other problems that you will have and that will not help you resist the urge to go to the bathroom are that, on the one hand, it will be difficult for you to move quickly and you will have a hard time getting to the bathroom and Coincidentally, every time you want to go to the bathroom your boy will be there! using it!

Photo by Zachery Perry on Unsplash

Bend and stretch

There comes a point in pregnancy, very close to the ninth month, when you will have a huge, swollen belly, constantly tired and it will be so difficult for you to bend and stretch that it will be very difficult for you to even tie and untie your laces.

Luckily you probably have your husband, that great man who will always be with a big smile on his face, ready to help you. What would you do without it? Thanks to his help, your pregnancy will be better and easier to manage.


After nine long and intense months, that long-awaited and long-awaited DAY finally arrives: the day of delivery. It doesn’t matter how much you think about it, how much you manifest it, how much you prepare it… They will never feel completely ready!

When the mother begins to show signs of labor, her water breaks and she begins to have contractions… Your nerves will be so on edge that… You won’t even be able to remember that it’s a hospital! But don’t worry, everything will be fine!


The moment of childbirth is very beautiful, but it also produces a bit of fear, since women can’t stop thinking about the pain that the birth of their child will cause them. Furthermore, there are many doubts. Will it turn out well? What will my baby be like?

The good thing is that although they don’t fully understand the magnitude of the moment they are living, they are both together. Despite the pain, if you have your husband by your side with a smile, you will feel much better and the labor will be a little shorter.

The baby

Without a doubt one of the most beautiful things in this world is seeing a newborn baby, and even more so if it is your child! Watching a newborn baby is beautiful. They are so adorable! They barely cry and don’t eat much.

As a parent at this time, you will not get tired of watching your baby, you will be looking forward to looking at him all the time. Every little movement he makes will seem unique and wonderful to you. Also, the most important question… Who is he most like? To the father? To the mother?

The link

Once the nervousness of the hospital passes and you get home, you will realize the enormous bond that unites you with your baby. How can you love this creature so much? Without a doubt for us, our son will be the best in the universe.

Feeling your child in your arms and caressing his skin is an incredible sensation, love overflows from all the pores of your body. Thanks to Yehuda we can see in the illustration above, a little of the tenderness of these moments.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Nights without sleep

As the days go by and the baby settles into his home, you will begin to discover a reality that you did not yet know… There comes a point when the baby discovers his wonderful voice and then things begin to change…

How are the nights now? How often do you have to change the baby’s diaper? He never seems to finish relieving himself! Without a doubt, the new baby will eventually defeat us, but luckily this phase, although long, is temporary.

Are we doing it right?

As in many stages of life, there comes a time when insecurities appear and of course, parenthood was not going to be different. There will come a time when you will wonder if you are raising the baby well or not.

No matter how many times you search on the internet, how many books you read, or how many questions you ask other parents, these doubts will never disappear. Right now the best thing you can do is come together as the great team you are and support each other.


In the first stages of your baby’s life, you are with him all the time and he is never alone, so your bond with him will be very great, but there will come a time when, even for a few seconds, you have to leave him...

The bad thing is that even if it is necessary and only for a few seconds, separating from your baby will break your soul. Despite the calm that will invade you because you will no longer hear her cries and you will not have to change diapers, you will not stop worrying.

The pandemic

Raising a baby in COVID times is not easy, these strange times that we have to live through also affect parents a lot. At first, everything was very nice, since thanks to the confinements more time was spent with the family, but…

Sooner or later with the lengthening of the quarantine, boredom and fatigue arrived. In the illustration above the author has managed to perfectly capture the feeling of desperation that many families experienced. Luckily, for everyone, the babies were not able to understand what was happening.

intimate moment

Surely at some point, as your baby grows and is settled in your family, you will think about bringing him a little brother. The problem is that it will not be an easy task… If having a first child is already difficult, the second is somewhat more complicated…

Thanks to the baby, the intimate moments will decrease considerably, since practically every time they get down to work, the beautiful creature will ask for something… What will it be this time? Meal? A new diaper? Or maybe just some attention?

Photo by GRAHAM MANSFIELD on Unsplash

One moment…

It is a fact that mothers usually understand children better than fathers, we do not know if it is because they read their body language better or because they have gestated it for nine months her.

Due to this fatigue, as a mother you will probably find some time for yourself, which will be difficult. Therefore, your child learning to understand your baby is very important, especially for your rest. Don’t worry, it’s not that difficult!


Being a mother will force you to become a multitasking person, your chores will increase so much that you will not have the physical time to do them all, which is why it is very important to have the support and help of your husband, who will not be able to cope either.

For this reason, it is very very important that they can be independent for some tasks and thus avoid getting upset or interrupted by small and unimportant doubts, since this will make them more efficient and somewhat calmer.

The discussions

Sooner or later, no matter how much you love each other, there will come a time in raising the baby when there will be arguments. It may be due to lack of sleep, tiredness, or simply because they can’t agree on how to treat the baby.

But… whatever it is, the most important thing is that there is a lot of talk and an agreement is reached. No matter how many differences you have, you have already chosen to always be together and this requires some work.

The little brother

Despite all the impediments and interruptions, at some point, the second child will arrive, and if the birth of the first already made them very happy, expanding the family nucleus will give them much more happiness. Look at the photo below, the illusion is everywhere!

Although the change is drastic and raising two children is more difficult than one, it is worth it. The good thing about this is that they already know how to act in many situations and they will solve many things better and faster than when they were first-timers.


In our times, relationships have become colder and more difficult, many times our current pace of life immerses us so much in technology that our emotional relationships take a bit of a backseat, which is a shame.

Having a good relationship requires a lot of work at all times and unfortunately, not everyone is willing to do it, tangible interactions are very important, and social networks tend to distance us a lot from them. So put the phone down now.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

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