5 Amazing Benefits of Photography

Anushka Choudhary
Published in
5 min readJan 2, 2021

Massive disclaimer: I am not a professional photographer and I don't even own a camera.

I enjoy taking pictures of basically everything going on around me. At any point in time, my mobile camera roll is filled with pictures of random things like leaves, cakes, cloudy sky or even clear sky. Anything that grabs my attention for more than 15 seconds is featured in my phone gallery.

That, of course, is an exaggeration, but you get the point, right?
I like taking pictures of everything, even those things which are not artistic or beautiful in any way.

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Don’t just stop at taking pictures in functions or parties, there are many therapeutic ways in which photography can improve your life. It has helped me a lot and it can help you as well. Let me show you how!

Making mundane things look beautiful

You ever look at the buildings outside your house and think that they are beautiful? No, right! Because they are plain and boring and we see them every day so they have lost their charm in our eyes.

But when you pick up your mobile to snap a picture, you will see that even these buildings and cars which look so ordinary most of the time, start to look special. Looking at these objects in the right lighting and mood can make them 10x prettier and you will fall in love with your surroundings.

Now you can feel that I am exaggerating but bear with me for a second. When you look at these mundane things around you for such a long time, it is obvious that you will get bored of your environment. But when you look at the same things through a photographer’s lens, you might just start loving the place where you live or work.

Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels

Makes you try new things

I can't even tell you how many times I have ordered a new dish because I was bored of looking at the same food items again and again. And the reason I was bored was that I had multiple pictures of the same food items on my phone.

You can call it a weird obsession but it keeps my interest at the peak in everyday activities. I like to try new restaurants, travel to unusual locations and try something new every time I go out so that my excitement is always on fleek.

If you enjoy photography, you will naturally be inclined to try out something new whenever possible. This hobby will take you places and ventures, you never thought you were interested in. And isn't that the point of life, trying new things and creating wonderful experiences.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

Great stress-buster

One of the best advantages of photography is that it is an exceptional way of relieving stress. When you start taking pictures of anything small or big, you will begin to admire its beauty. And a great way to feel better is to do something that can make you calm.

Have you ever seen someone getting angry at a butterfly or a flower? Definitely not! Because the beauty of nature is such that it can make us forget all our problems. So, I rely a lot on taking pictures of natural subjects whenever I am upset or tired.

Next time when you feel anxious, just pick up your camera and go to a natural location to add some beautiful photographs to your collection!

Photo by Author

Positive use of social media

If you are someone who likes to maintain a social life without putting a lot about you on the Internet, photography can take you a long way. Creating a photography account or blog can provide you with an excellent opportunity to make good use of social media.

This is also a great way to interact with people with similar interests. If you an introvert or you hesitate when it comes to meeting new people, being a part of a photography forum or group can be a fabulous start.

And at the end of the day, what is the harm in doing something creative and artistic instead of scrolling through Instagram all day.

Photo by Jeremy Levin from Pexels

Preserving Memories

My mother’s favourite thing to do is look through old albums. And I know by the time I am her age, I will be doing the same thing. Looking back at pictures from 10 years ago is the best way to stay connected to our past. And when these pictures are taken by you, each photo will remind you of the memories around that time.

We are all trying to leave behind our legacy through our work and actions. Photographs are one of the best ways to immortalise a day or an event with minimum effort.

So, don't worry about losing your precious memories, instead just capture them on your phone and they will stay with you forever.

Photo by charan sai from Pexels

In conclusion, I will say that 2020 was a difficult year for most of us and my biggest takeaway was that life is unpredictable. No matter how much we plan, there is no guarantee that things will turn out the way you wanted. What we can do is make the most of each day.

So, stop worrying about the quality of your camera and start taking beautiful pictures and preserve memories that you will cherish forever.



Anushka Choudhary

CSE undergrad student from India. Passionate in content writing, graphic design, UI design, web and app development.