5 Biggest SEO Mistakes To Avoid

“SEO Isn’t About Gaming the System Anymore; It’s About Learning How to Play by the Rules.” — Jordan Teicher

Arsalan Haroon
7 min readJul 19, 2021


If you are making these seo mistakes on your site, you need to recognize them if you want your online business to succeed.

Because if you don’t recognize this SEO mistake and fix it. Then your competitors will and if they do it.

Then you have a hard time competing with them because google will trust their site because they solve these biggest seo mistakes and, you dont.

It can make or break your site, so make sure to see which seo mistakes you are making and then focus on each seo mistake at one time.

So you can fix it effectively and build a trustable relationship with google and customers.

Having basic seo knowledge to optimize your site is crucial for every online business owner, whether you do it yourself or hire a seo expert.

Because sometimes, even seo experts make this mistake and avoid it, Which can make your site a failure.

So whether you are doing it yourself or you have a seo expert, see if your seo expert is making these mistakes and if they are making it.

Then make sure they fix these mistakes on your site as soon as possible. It can affect your site performance and trustworthiness, which can affect your google ranking.

So let’s identify some of the biggest seo mistakes to avoid if you want to rank on google.


1. Not setting clear SEO goals

If you don’t know what you want to achieve with seo and set clear goals, You won’t achieve anything.

Because if you are just randomly doing seo on your site and don’t know what results you want, Then doing seo doesn’t help you.

You have to set clear seo goals about what you want to achieve with seo: getting more traffic or making new customers.

Then you have to know what seo tools can help you in achieving your seo goals.

You have to include researching your competitor’s seo goals when you set your seo goals.

So you can know what changes they are making and how you can make them more effective for your audience.

If you don’t know what your seo goal is. It becomes difficult for you to do seo.

Because you don’t know what to achieve, and If you don’t know, what you want with seo. You might fail in your online business.

This is one of the biggest SEO mistakes most online businesses make, which fails them.

Make sure you know what your goals are and write them on paper. So you know what you want to achieve with seo.

2. Don’t include the target keyword in the title, meta description, alt image text

I know putting targeted keywords in your title is basic seo and everybody knows that they have to include the target keywords in their title.

But they forgot to put the same targeted keyword into their meta description and image alt text.

You have put your targeted keyword into your meta description as well as in your image alt text.

Search engines didn’t understand your image visually like humans. Instead, they will know what is in the image, If you include image alt text.

It’s basic seo, But people make these seo mistakes. Because they think only including the target keyword in the title is enough to get rank on google, which is impossible.

Make sure, you include the target keyword in your title, meta description, page content, and alt image text.

3. Doing too much internal linking

Internal linking is when you link to other pages on the same website, it can be a great way to increase your traffic.

Most website owners, when they know about internal linking, they do a lot of internal linking. Without thinking if it is something useful to link.

For example, If you write an article about mobile phones. And give a link to your blog that is about fitness. It is useless to link to a fitness blog.

Because your audience needs to know about blogs related to mobile phones, they aren’t interested in fitness.

It is useless to link to those blogs that are not relevant to your page content; it can affect your site negatively.

Doing too much internal linking is not good don’t put 10 to 15 internal links on one page.

Instead, only put about 5 to 7 internal links. It is enough for internal linking.

4. Not Investing in a Fast & Mobile-Friendly Experience

If you think that making your site fast and mobile-friendly doesn’t make your ranking go up in google. Then you are in illusion.

It plays a big factor in Google’s algorithm when ranking sites because they want their audience to go to the website.

Where they find valuable content with a fast-loading site and mobile-friendly experience.

If you created a website and your website takes around 10 seconds to load. Then probably the audience will be disappointed with your site.

Because they want results instantly, they don’t wait for you, They have so many options to choose from.

Most people do google searches on their mobile phones. That’s why Google makes this a ranking factor.

It’s essential to make your site load fast and mobile-friendly if you want to rank your site.

Most people know that it affects their site ranking if their site wasn’t loading too fast. But they don’t know how to check if their site is loading fast or not.

So for this, you can use google page speed insights. This tool helps you identify if your site is loading fast on desktop or mobile and if it doesn’t load fast.

Then it can give you some of the ways to make your site load fast, which is great.

Make sure you don’t make this seo mistake because it can ruin your seo efforts, which can be frustrating.

Always make sure that your site is loading fast and it is giving the best mobile-friendly experience.

Because it does not only help you rank on top in Google but also the audience will have a great experience with your site if you provide a fast loading and mobile-friendly experience.

5. Only Focusing On On-Site SEO

Most people think only putting keywords in the title, meta description, and image alt text can help them rank on top in google. Which most of the time is not possible.

You have to do both on-page as well as off-page seo to rank your site on google. I know on-page seo is pretty easy, that’s why everyone does it.

But you also need to do the hard part of the seo, which is off-page seo. Because building backlinks for your site is still a big factor in ranking your site.

If you have a new site, then you should focus on both on-page and off-page. Because both are key to get thousands of traffic through google.

Most people only do on-page seo because reaching out to people and telling them to link you makes them feel uncomfortable.

But if you want to succeed your site and get thousands of traffic, you have to make yourself uncomfortable and ask people to link to your site.

Because it is a crucial thing to do no matter how much you do on page seo, off page seo is still a big factor in ranking your site on google.

So don’t make the same seo mistakes which most site owners are making. On-page seo is easy, so they only do the easy part and don’t want to do off-page seo.

But make sure you don’t do that, You have to not only focus on on-page SEO but also include off-page seo because they both play a big role in ranking your site on google.


Making mistakes is not bad if you learn from them. But learning from other people’s mistakes is a smart thing.

So you don’t make the same mistake in your journey and learn from this mistake that others make in their journey.

You will make mistakes but make sure it isn’t the same mistake that you can learn from others. Instead, they are unique which can give you new lessons.

Make sure you don’t make these big seo mistakes because it can ruin your seo efforts if you make one of them.

If you hire a seo expert, then see if they are avoiding these seo mistakes, or if you are doing it yourself, then identify if you are also making these seo mistakes. If you are, then make sure you fix them as soon as possible.

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