5 brutal ways you can use to stop lying to yourself.

Manu Kiza
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2022

It is sometimes easier to pretend to be something you aren’t in the hopes of better-deceiving others about what you are.

Photo by mwangi gatheca on Unsplash

1. Understand your core belief.

This alone can help you break out of the mold in which you have found yourself. In truth, there are so many reasons why you may find yourself in misfortune, depression, or even sickness. While you may have inherited some of those issues, most you have created by subscribing to a belief system. The root of your misery does not lie in the reasons but rather in the excuses you are allowing to take up space in your life. What you have adopted as your core belief is the reason why you are where you are and feel the way you do. The longer you avoid digging deep into the most secretive and dark places of your false narrative, the longer you will spend in confusion and live a life full of deception.

2. Become honest with yourself.

Most of us are our worst enemies. In order to break the perception, we have allowed to become reality we ought to be rudely honest with ourselves. The excuses we constantly give for our circumstances and behaviors are only taking us further away from our goals and truth. Being rooted in a mindset that favors excuses may feel comfortable as our current state can be too difficult to face, but staying grounded in a mind-frame that debilitates us from reaching for our dreams is going to find itself more hurtful. When you choose to strive for rude honesty you are taking back ownership of your life and allowing transparency to become a norm that can propel you further ahead.

Shrewd honesty doesn’t mean tormenting yourself, on the other end, you are elevating your conscious and subconscious mind to take massive actions towards attaining what you truly desire while making no excuses for it.

3. Stop being so uptight.

We live in an opinionated society, and while many of us are welcoming of innovation, change, and transformation, too many still remain persistently critical of any attempts at breaking the norms. Embrace being an outcast and make no apologies for overcoming boundaries. While the status quo will force you to blend in, be the one who unsubscribes to the societal standards that have caged you in and stopped you from launching your life to greater heights.

There is a fine line between feeling self-conscious and being paralyzed by our thoughts. Thinking doesn’t always lead to action and as a matter of fact, studies have shown that in order to achieve effective results you should do less thinking and take more actionable steps. It is more than okay to plan but analysis paralysis is a great hindrance that will keep on preventing you from making the leap from hope to belief.

4. You are not special.

“The fake it until you make it” motto is a fluke. Being who you are in your fullness is what makes you the most unique version of yourself. Make no mistake, you have got to be able to mold into the version of self that brings you in alignment with your deepest beliefs. But while doing so, you should always remain egoless and level-headed enough to understand and accept that your flaws are the values you can bring to others. In other words, what you lack is your power, and understanding that no one else can be a better version of yourself other than you is your strength.

You don’t have to idolize those who are in the position you desire most or pretend to be what you think the world would want you to become. Start embracing the atypical sides of your being in order to stand strong in your integrity and light. People tend to recognize and appreciate honesty over lies; you are not special but you are unique and that is inimitable.

5. Stop whining.

What is whining but a weak attempt at coping with a sense of inadequacy? You find satisfaction in whining when you are least determined to look for an effective way of resolving your troubles. Instead of having a pessimistic outlook on your life, begin looking at areas that bring you the most joy. No life is filled without a fair amount of trials and tribulations and yours isn’t any different than anyone else. Your frustration is better used as a drive than as a crutch, so use it in the most meaningful and impactful way.

Thank you for reading.

I am on a mission to serve and empower as many people as possible until I can’t do so anymore (999,999 + 1 to be exact). I am not a writer, but I am a passionate human being who likes to share his thoughts through writing and speaking forms. Follow me on this journey and let’s enjoy the ride together. Please connect with me if you have any comments or suggestions, as I would be glad to receive any of your feedback.

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Manu Kiza

Contrarian thinker, challenging the way we see the world and finding roots in being an outcast.