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5 Common Addictions That Are Worse Than Most Drugs

Your life would improve dramatically if you dropped them

Precious Lee
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2023


Knowing the traps that individuals can fall into is always helpful, so I have listed some of the indications of each addiction that are worse than drugs and provided some proactive advice on how to avoid them.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind how challenging it is to recognize one’s own addiction due to the nature of addiction. Denial is often our initial response to many of the substances and behaviors on the list because we plainly don’t like to acknowledge our own flaws.

So, we respectfully recommend that you examine your usage of each of these items to see if you are inside the “safe zone” by taking a few minutes to do so.

The average amount of each substance or behavior that shouldn’t be harmful under normal circumstances is known as the safe zone.
circumstances. Any of the following substances or behaviors that you use excessively may be harming you:

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1. Coffee:
Coffee is a highly addictive drug.

As a result of its widespread use and acceptance in society, it may become overused. According to research, excessive caffeine use can result in jitteriness, anxiety, trembling, sleeplessness, and irritability.

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2. Liquor:
Alcohol would undoubtedly be made illegal in contemporary society if it were invented today.

Although it has been accepted as part of our modern customs, alcohol is just as lethal and addicting as the majority of illegal substances. It has been scientifically connected to 60 different ailments, including numerous malignancies, and epilepsy, and it has a significant impact on the statistics of homicide and auto accidents. Alcohol consumption is rising.

It is abused in societies that allow it all over the world.

Just 14 weekly units of alcohol are considered safe, and they should be spaced out across 7 days.

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3. Sex dependency:
The internet and new media have contributed to the rise of sex addiction in contemporary culture.

Addicts who misuse sex do so for similar reasons as those who abuse other drugs or behaviors, such as to escape from reality, reduce anxiety, or satisfy compulsions.

According to estimates, sex or relationship addiction affects 8% of males and 3% of women. Instead of being an expression of love, sex for many people turns into a compulsive behavior.

Low self-esteem may be a contributing factor and those who are addicted to one-night stands or behavior similar to them, such as
as an addiction to porn.

4. Gambling:
Even though just 1% to 2% of adults experience gambling problems, this still represents a sizeable portion of the population.

Gamers with an addictive personality are more likely to forget the lows of losses than the highs of victories.

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5. Modern technology and the Internet:
Nomophobia, which literally translates to “no-mobile-phone-phobia,” is a contemporary phenomenon that characterizes certain people’s psychological dependence on modern technology.

According to contemporary studies, young people are most affected by internet addiction, and symptoms include despair and anxiety when they are away from their phones.

Additionally, it has been demonstrated that excessive use of several social media sites results in a dopamine surge, which supports the addiction theory.

Try an intriguing experiment and think of a question.
How much anxiety would you experience if you lost access to your phone? or even to try to go for a specific period of time without using your phone?

Thanks For Reading

Please feel free to tell me about the addiction you think I should have added.



Precious Lee

A happy person who wants to teach and offer value. Business enthusiast and Tech enthusiast