5 Compelling Reasons for Open Source Clean Technology

Winning the Race for The Human Race

Dr Michael Heng


Photo by AWEA with Author

Survival is optional. It is not a right.

The 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25) in December 2019, Madrid, Spain, was supposed to discuss the implementation of various agreement dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance reached at COP21 at Paris in 2015. COP25 was a spectacularly massive epic failure of purpose.

The Parties nevertheless issued their “Time for Action” Statement and thereafter, in their usual fashion, postponed it by kicking the climate action football down the road to their 2020 COP26 meeting (now postponed to 2021) in Scotland. At the end of COP25, the urgency for climate action was finally lost as the Parties’ Representatives from 197 countries and nearly 30,000 delegates boarded their hugely carbon polluting jet planes to return to wherever and whatever.

Never had so much time, manpower and resources been wasted, and with so much environmental pollution, by so many who achieved so little!

Few actually could remember that at the COP21 Paris 2015 UN Climate Change Summit, Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates, President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande launched a multi-billion dollar…



Dr Michael Heng

Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on CSR, Explorer, Enabler. Top Writer in Poetry. Drives ventures and enterprises. ILLUMINATION Editor and Writer.